5 Tips To Make Your Toddler’s Park Time Mosquitoe- Free

Playing at the park or in open spaces is one of the most important aspects in the development of kids especially, during toddlerhood where they need to be close to nature. This allows the kids to explore their surroundings, where they do not have to restrict their activities as in confined spaces indoors. They develop muscle strength, coordination and gain self-confidence. It also helps in burning those extra calories.

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Outdoor play also helps in developing those much-needed social skills when they interact with other kids. In this process, they build skills such as team-building, sharing and negotiation amongst other things. But nature also poses many threats which cannot be overlooked like evening play in the park with mosquitoes bothering your child.

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While it’s next to impossible to stay indoors as toddlers have their park time clock set inside, where they will simply wear their shoes and say let’s go. Therefore, here are some tried and tested tips which will make the toddler’s outdoor playtime mosquito-free.

Wearing full sleeves and full pants
Wearing full sleeves will save the little ones from not only the mosquito bites but also from the bug bites. Continue reading


Wearing light coloured clothes
So, while you have selected the full sleeved clothes, there is one thing which you need to keep in mind while selecting the clothes for the evening outing. It should be light coloured. Firstly during summer, light coloured clothes are cooler and secondly dark coloured clothes act as magnet for mosquitoes in the evening. Ever spotted a mosquito tiara on someone’s head? Now you know the reason for that – ‘Dark coloured clothes’.


Play games which involve a lot of movement
Involve your toddler in games which involve a lot of movement like running. This will not only ensure good physical exercise and strengthen their muscles, but will also ensure that they don’t become a target for the mosquitoes.


Avoid playing near the bushes or water bodies in the park
No doubt those bushes and water bodies beautify the park but they are also a den for mosquitoes. Make sure your toddler plays away from these, as it reduces the chances of mosquito bites.


Using mosquito repellents
This goes without saying. To ensure one’s evening playtime is not disturbed by the mosquitoes, apply 4 dots of Goodknight Fabric Roll-On on your toddler’s clothes. It is certified as baby safe by paediatricians & thus, safe for using on babies above the age of 2 months. If your child is below the age of 2 months, apply the 4 dots on their cots & strollers. This product is 100% natural as made up of citronella & eucalyptus oils.

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Goodknight Patches 
If you wish to make those evening outings fun and free from mosquitoes and if you have a Chhota Bheem fan in your house, then these patches are for you!
They are 100 % natural, safe for babies and available in different designs. These can be applied to clothes for 8 hours of protection.

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Goodknight Cool Gel
And finally, if you wish to apply something on the skin which is absolutely safe for toddlers over 2 months then opt for the gel which is skin-friendly and non-sticky.


Posted in Toddler and Kids | 1 Comment

How to Make Brushing Teeth the Highlight of Your Child’s Day!

By Sally Writes,

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Cavities can be a real bugbear for mums in India, since even when they occur in baby teeth, they can have long-term consequences for our kids’ oral health. Because we need our teeth throughout our lifetime, it is important to teach kids correct brushing techniques from the world go. Surveys show that the rate of cavities in children in India has increased lately, but we can always reverse this trend with a few handy tips.

The Reasons for Tooth Decay in India

According to dentists, the biggest causes of this problem are convenience foods (especially foods containing refined sugar, such as biscuits, pasta and bread), sharing utensils (adults can pass dangerous bacteria to children, for instance) and a lack of oral hygiene. Children can be reticent to put the required care into their teeth on a daily basis, but if you establish a fun routine, brushing can actually be the best part of the day. Follow these tips to keep your little ones’ sparkly whites free of harmful decay.

Start Young

Did you know that even when your child has no teeth, you should be running a clean, damp washcloth over their gums to remove harmful bacteria? Once teeth erupt, use a children’s toothbrush and age-appropriate toothpaste, which is gentler than adult versions (since children have weaker enamel).

The Importance of Flossing

When teeth touch, start flossing; children should see flossing as a daily activity they carry out every time they brush their teeth. Food can easily get stuck between teeth, and flossing will ensure that even small pieces of food are removed.

Avoiding Late Night Snacks

Make sure to feed your child before they brush their teeth, avoiding late snacks. Even milk can contain sugar, which eats away at enamel when left to sit on teeth for many hours. By starting in their toddler years, kids will see oral hygiene as part of a routine – as important as breakfast, nap time or reading books. Continue reading

Let Children Choose their Toothbrush

There are many appealing toothbrushes for children; studies show that electric toothbrushes work better at removing plaque (especially where the gums meet teeth). Good options include the Philips Sonicare, which comes with a super fun app that accompanies children throughout their entire brushing routine. Rather than just choose this or any other toothbrush yourself, let your child take part in selection; they are more likely to be excited about purchases they have been involved in.

Join in the Fun

Parents can make brushing teeth funner than ever for children, by brushing their teeth alongside their kids. Use their brushing app while they do, groove to music, or create your own ‘brush time choreography’. Children learn best by example, so if they see that you take your own oral hygiene seriously, they are most likely to do the same. The same applies when going to the dentist; make it a family visit, so children understand that regular visits are a vital way to help them prevent decay. Dentists can also talk to your kids about the importance of brushing and flossing, giving them techniques to ensure they do it right.

Protect your children’s teeth by establishing a cleaning routine from the earliest of ages. Make brushing fun and add as much independence into the equation by enabling your child to pick their toothbrush. Use apps and music to turn this chore into vital bonding time for parents and kids. Finally, lead by example, making sure to visit the dentist regularly so that any existing cavities can be treated before causing major decay and tooth loss.

Posted in Childcare, Parenting Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Our Pediasure Journey- onto the 3rd month now!

We have been using PediaSure for a little over three months now. I can happily say that I am fully satisfied with PediaSure. After three months’ usage of PediaSure, I can now claim that my son has better immunity to infections and has passed picky eater issues. Like I said in my first two blog posts, that the results aren’t drastic and will take some time. That is the reason why I continued PediaSure for a little over three months and then decided to pen my experiences with this wonderful product.


As highlighted in my second month blog post for PediaSure journey, my son was having picky eater issues. This phase had started to slow down when we had just hopped onto the 2nd month of PediaSure usage. Now with PediaSure becoming our daily breakfast companion, either in the form of Milk, or in Suji Ka Halwa, I can surely say that the picky eater phase has also faded out of our eating routines.



My son has shown remarkable health improvements as far as his immunity is concerned. July is the month of rains and it is one month when I am at my mummying best. I try all sorts of recipes to keep his immunity strong and take all precautionary measures in monsoons. But even after doing so much when he would fall sick, I would wonder what was I doing wrong, or rather what was I missing onto? Well the answer is PediaSure. These monsoons, I can say both me and my son have enjoyed to the hilt, as I could see an increased resistance in his immunity. That is all thanks to PediaSure. Now that PediaSure has found a place of permanence in my kitchen, I need not worry about monsoons and the infections it brings along. My child can now enjoy and play outdoors in this weather as much as he wants to because he does not fall sick that often.

monsoon kid

With monsoons, we have always had a love-hate relation, all because we used to enjoy and get wet in rain, but then it made my son fall sick as well. But with 3rd month of continued usage of PediaSure powder, I am happy that we have managed to kick infections down the drain. Also, visits to the doctor in monsoons had become an integral part of our lives after the baby. That is not the case anymore. I can conclude by saying my or rather my kid’s Monsoon Miseries (which came in the form of decreased immunity, cold) have found a solution in the form of PediaSure Powder.



Yes, you read it right! I can now claim that my son has adapted well to all sorts of food. There are still things to which he hasn’t yet adapted. But like I said, I need not fear as we are already having PediaSure powder in our daily glass of milk. I can also see a slight increase in son’s weight, after continuous usage of PediaSure for a good three months. I am happy to buy him new set of clothes, given that he has outgrown his old ones now.



kid school
My son was to start his playschool in the month of July. Like all mothers, I too was apprehensive of the new environment among other such things. One thing which constantly bothered me was that children fall sick and catch infections at double the rate if they are at school. Student gatherings in school is one of the main reasons of infections among kids. But since my kid was already on PediaSure, we didn’t face any such issues. All in all, our journey in the play school is going all fine! THANK YOU PEDIASURE

As I told, in my previous blog, that I was too scared to experiment with PediaSure’s other flavours, as my son had picked a liking for the chocolate one. But now I am all up for experimentation with different flavours and I even plan to invest my thoughts into incorporating PediaSure into some new recipes or drinks for my kid.

PediaSure powder can be purchased from your local chemist or from http://pediasure.in/ or http://www.amazon.in/s/ref=bl_dp_s_web_1350384031?ie=UTF8&node=1350384031&field-brandtextbin=Pediasure

I should mention that although PediaSure approached me to review their product as part of their #90DaysWithPediaSure campaign, all views and opinions expressed in my writing are my own.


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13 Best Birthday Gifts for Teenage Girls and Teenage Boys

By Diana Smith,

We all agree that teenagers are already a lot of work by themselves, so just imagine how much ‘fun’ you’ll have deciding what would be a perfect gift for them. The teenage years are the time when a person is finding themselves and developing physically and mentally. And all of them have a specific taste, hobby and passion. Also, don’t even get me started on how fast they can CHANGE their taste, hobby and passion. However, there are always a few universal gift options you can go with.

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Even though it is completely opposite in life, girls are a lot easier to shop for.

Hair straightener

During the teenage years, girls will start showing (more) interest in beauty and fashion. And since a bad hair day means a completely bad day, providing your teenage girl with a tool for neat and slick hair is one of the best solutions. However, make sure she knows how to use it.

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Even though a gal can never have enough perfumes, this really is a tricky one because you need to know her taste (unless she has a favorite one she always uses). Have in mind that that particular fragrance should represent her and her style. Continue reading

Piece of jewelry

Probably the most classic as well as the most effective girl gift. Consider getting her something special that will remind her of you. Depending on the jewelry she already wears and owns, choose something you know she’ll wear. If you are really close, consider having it engraved.

Large makeup case

Let’s face it, in this day and age, almost every single teenage girl on planet Earth is fully armed with all kinds of makeup products. So the best thing you can do to help her keep all of that neatly organized is get her a makeup case. You wouldn’t want her to go through a well-known mini heart attack when she realizes she can’t find her favorite eyeshadow palette, right?

Polaroid camera

Polaroids are coming back while selfies are now so last year. Unconventional and unique, this is something every teenage girl wants. However, don’t forget to purchase the film for it as well.

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Boys will be boys, and getting them a gift will always be quite an adventure.

Video game

Believe it or not, more than 80 percent of teenagers play video games. And in the lives of teenage boys, they are a huge part of maintaining friendships. Get him a cool multiplayer sports game such as NBA, PES etc. that he can play with his friends, and make sure it matches his gaming console.

Bean bag

If he is already fully armed with a bunch of video games, get him this cool seat. There are no age limitations for it, and he can use it for gaming, sleeping, studying etc.

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Portable charger

In the era of 5-second-battery smartphones, this is something every teen needs. Plus, there will now be no more excuses for him not answering his phone.

Basketball laundry shoot

We all know how boys are with their tidy screensavers and messy bedrooms, so the least you can do is make cleaning fun for him. You will forget all about dirty clothes all over the floor.

Group paintball card for him and his buddies

Let’s be real – there is nothing more to be said here.

Play it safe

If all else fails, there are some extra options you can never go wrong with.

Driving lessons

Remember yourself when you were a teenager? Your biggest wish was to drive a car. Many of us even stole our parents’ cars and drove around the neighborhood in the middle of the night. Maybe your teen has done that too. Jokes aside, the least you can do is sign your teen up for quality driving lessons in Sydney and make sure they are at least safe while stealing your car.

Gift card

Another safe option is to give your teen a gift card to their favorite retailer. If you don’t know which retailer that is, consider maybe filling a temporary credit card with money.


Alternatively, there is always cash. This way, you know they’ll get something they like and want. Buy a fancy card for the occasion and put the money in it.

And that would be it – gifts teens will definitely love. Do you have some more ideas? Let us know.

Image Sources

image 1 –https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/01/17/03/57/season-1985856_960_720.jpg

image 2 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/12/30/21/28/friends-1941580_960_720.jpg

image 3 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/27/22/44/gift-548293_960_720.jpg

image 4 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/05/28/00/06/gift-1420830_960_720.jpg

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Amazing Tips to Keep Your Home Fabulous and the Energy Flowing Freely

By Chloe Smith,



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Getting stuck in a rut can happen very easily and it can happen to any of us. Doing the same things over and over again, day after day, can intensify the feeling of dullness. That is when most of us find shelter in the comfort of our cozy homes. But what happens when relaxing at home does not help you feel energized enough to face the day, when you just don’t feel the vibe anymore?
The solution lies in several tips and tricks that will make your home flowing with positive energy. It doesn’t take a lot of effort and many things you can do without any additional help. Just focus on what makes you feel good and create a place where spending time will have therapeutic effect, on your mind as well as the whole body.

De-cluttering and minimizing

Start with de-cluttering to achieve harmony. Put away all excessive things you don’t really use and avoid over-crowding shelves or any open-concept surfaces with too many items. Surround yourself only with things that are necessary or connected with good memories. It will make you feel motivated and pleased. Also try creating more empty spaces. Beside the fact that it will make your home visually bigger, creating more space will help the free flow of positive energy therefore influence your mood.
Minimize the amount of furniture you own or position it so it encourages comfort. This too will help creating more room and make a good vibe. Push sofas or chairs against the walls so you have more space in the middle while creating coziness by surrounding the room with furniture. Use a lot of pillows made of different materials for decoration as well as enjoyment. Try to put away your TV, computer or any electronics that you own. If you don’t have extra storage or generally have a problem with storing unnecessities, consider investing in an easy storage option. That way your excessive belongings will be stored safely and you will have more time to work on keeping the positive energy flow in your home and in your body.

Connecting with nature



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Use calming, warm colors for walls but add colorful details. Make sure you use the right and convenient tools for all the work. Try bringing in more natural materials like unprocessed wood for floors and shelves or add some character combining rocks and shells for coastal feeling. Put different works of art on your walls. If you are more of an outdoorsy person, you can also use outside finds for decoration. For example, if hiking through forest is something you are keen on, you can simply use odd looking tree branches as wall pieces. That way not only you will make your home connected to nature but you will also have an interesting story behind every item you find. Continue reading

Bringing the light inside

First, get rid of curtains! Let natural light illuminate your home. Open windows to let the air circulate through your house. Use fragrance sticks if you love oriental aromas or fill your rooms with your favorite scented candles. Using them instead of lamps will create a warm and homey atmosphere and make you feel calm and relaxed. A Himalayan salt candle is also a good option since it will cleanse and deodorize the air as well as increase your energy level.

Adding greenery


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Adding greenery to your home is very important for keeping the positive energy flow. Your home will look more outdoorsy and taking care of plants will help you connect with nature. Purchase exotic plants like lemon or orange trees for extra mediterranean essence or just keep it simple with plants that you think will look decorative indoors. When it comes to greenery in your home, there is no such thing as too much. Buy whatever you like and find inspirational.

Motivating yourself

Start practicing yoga or meditate. You can do it in the comfort of your house just by investing in a yoga mat and having willingness to start. Try meditating whenever you have spare time. Keep in mind that It will help you feel more calm and will help you clear your mind. You will feel more energized and more grateful about things you have. If that is not enough to keep you motivated, try putting up your favorite motivational messages all around your home or office to remind yourself not to quit. Use them as wallpaper on your phone as well, if it helps. Making your own is an option if you are handy and crafting is your cup of tea.
By following these simple tips you will make sure that you have created a peaceful place where spending time will boost your energy and recharge your batteries enough to beat the daily routine with ease. It will give you more strength to cope with the stress in the time ahead.

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Touch Feel versus Touch Screen

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Play, isn’t the same as what it used to be. Thanks to technology and changing lifestyles, the concept of play stands redefined today. If someone says that, their child is playing a game,there is a high possibility that they are referring to them playing on a gaming console, tablet or the mobile phone. So
now the question is – ‘Are these touch screen devices good for children?’. One really can’t debate this topic, without choosing sides. People for or against technology continue to detail its advantages or disadvantages to prove their point. However, an objective look at the issue will help us understand it

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A simple game of Hide & Seek, consciously or unconsciously, instills several qualities. Here are just few of them:

  • Observation Power – What are the possible spots where I can hide?
  • Decision Making – Would it be better if I hide here or there?
  • Strategy (Defense or Offence) – Should I hide deep to escape the seeker or hide close to home base to outrun the seeker?
  • Social Skills – Should I discuss my strategy with other children and act as a team to win, or should I do my own thing?
  • Physical Fitness
  • Continue reading

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The basics to excel in real life, are often picked up by physical games that we play as children. Science proves that the more your fingers move (be it while writing, painting), the more your brain develops.History documents the fact that there was an unusual spike in the standard of living of humans, the moment we started writing & carving. To see how Touch & Feel is directly related to your brain, just think about the feeling you get when you see a video of rain viz a viz actually smelling Petrichor – the scent produced when rain falls on dry soil. The difference is huge! Things aren’t different when you compare a real game with a virtual one.

Word Wheel

Undoubtedly, technology is a great thing that children should be exposed to. However, it should not be the only or the first thing that they get exposed to. Overexposure to electronic devices often results in several technology induced problems like reduced ability to make friends and ADD (Attention Deficit
Disorder) among others.

Children should be first encouraged to play with physical games for developing their basic skill set. There is plenty of time later in life to absorb technology, use apps and more! Technology is certainly here to stay, and help us evolve, but it is best that children’s foundation must be based on reality, nature and touch and feel with healthy toys & games.

About Skola Toys:

Skola Toys is India’s first range of toys designed with learning at its core. Made for children between 2 years & 7 years, Skola Toys; design principles have been scientifically backed by child psychologists, childexperts & educationists including Montessori teachers. Founded by Mridula Shridhar, VK Manikandan & Nitish Agrawal, Skola Toys was set up to fill the void that existed in the Early Learning & Learning Toy category for intelligently designed toys. Skola Toys help children learn through play and also keeps them engaged. Skola Toys uses Experiential Learning & Sequential Learning through ‘Journeys’ & ‘Lands’ to help children pick up crucial skills in areas like Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Sensorial, Mathematics,Language, Social Science, Science, Cognition & Creativity.

Posted in Baby play, Product Reviews, Toys | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Look After Your Elderly Parents while Pregnant

By Chris Palmer,

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There are many ladies out there who are taking care of their elderly parent while pregnant. Pregnancy is a time in woman’s life when she needs to be taken care of. Such women face trouble with battling fatigue, and chronic stress. As much as your elderly would be happy about a new family member coming but let’s get real, they cannot help much owing to their limitations imposed by age. But there are ways in which you can take care of them and yourself simultaneously. Just stick these few tips, and you should see the results.

  • Take long walks. During the first trimester, pregnant ladies tend to suffer from fatigue, and various smells can cause aversions as well. Walking is very beneficial for pregnant women because this exercise doesn’t cause any strain on the body and therefore there aren’t any chances of miscarriage happening due to this exercise. Walking is equally beneficial for elderly people, sot taking long strolls in the morning or evening in a park is the best way of caring for both yourself and your beloved elderly parent.
  • If you’re not using in-home care services, then I’m assuming you’d have taken up most of the tasks of your elderly parents, such as washing their sheets and cleaning their room, etc. Sometimes, the room of elderly people can smell awful and as I explained above pregnant women, especially during their first trimester suffer from terrible smells. In this case, you can try using a scarf while performing the cleaning activities or wear a mask. Using air fresheners and lemon and lavender flavor helps as well.
  • Seek help from your spouse. Mostly, spouses are very understanding and they can super helpful in such matters but if you see that your spouse doesn’t perceive the act that you need help, have them sit with and talk about how they can be of any help. Most of the time, problems get solved only because one communicates their needs to people who can be of any aid or assistance. So don’t be shy, and do seek some help from your loved ones.
  • Get a nurse! You can approach some in-home care services, and I’m sure they will be of great assistance in such times. Even if you usually do not trust a caregiver or agencies that provide caregiving, for your good you must have to select a suitable and dependable nurse for at least the last couple of months before your delivery so that you can make sure your child remains healthy and fit.
  • With the divided attention, your elderly parents might end up feeling lonely. Be careful about the social needs of your parents. If you cannot take them out to parks, museums and events, etc. you can try using befriending services so that they do not end up feeling lonely. I’m sure this will help them stay cheery and happy.

I hope these simple tips would help you get through the rough phase with a lot of good memories.


Author Bio: This article was written by Chris Palmer who regularly shares advice on elderly care. In particular dementia and supporting your elderly parent. You can find more by Chris on: https://www.agespace.org/

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How Super Moms Can Diagnose Asthma in Kids

By Oladimeji

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Seeing your child coughing or wheezing can be heartbreaking, especially if you do not know its underlying cause and what should be the right treatment. It is difficult to determine whether your child is exhibiting signs of asthma attacks or not as many possible conditions have the same symptoms.

If your child develops signs and symptoms of asthma, visit a doctor for accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. While waiting for your appointment, this article will show you how super moms can diagnose asthma in kids.

Asthma in Children

Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the lungs. The prevalence of this condition is increasing, as well as other allergy conditions like hay fever, food allergies, and eczema. A number of conditions can also have asthma-like symptoms, such as airway abnormalities, rhinitis, acid reflux, sinusitis, and bronchitis.

In cases of asthma attacks, the airways become swollen and irritated that make breathing difficult. It is crucial to observe your kid’s behavior and to work with your child’s physician so you can prevent or control asthma attacks.

Can Allergies Trigger Asthma?

Exposure to allergens such as pet dander, pollen, dust mites or mold can trigger the symptoms of asthma. It may also worsen symptoms in asthmatic people. This condition is called allergic asthma.

Seasonal allergies or hay fever do not usually cause any problems until your child is 5 as it takes that long to develop sensitivity to them. However, allergies to pet dander, dust mites, or mold may occur earlier. Continue reading

About 80 percent of children with asthma have allergies. If you think that your child has allergies to food or certain substances, it is best to see a doctor for further evaluation and proper treatment to prevent symptoms from occurring.

Other possible triggers include common colds, cold air, and smoke. If your child wheezes and coughs after playing, he may have exercise-induced asthma.

How to Diagnose Asthma in Kids

Diagnosing and controlling asthma in kids can be tough as many health conditions have similar symptoms. Signs of asthma can also be different from one person to another. Not all coughs and wheezing are due to asthma, so using asthma treatments for a different health condition may delay the child’s recovery.

Common signs and symptoms of asthma in children include:

· Cough
· Coughing at night
· Wheezing, producing a high-pitched whistling sound
· Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

The patterns of the symptoms may also vary:

· Short periods of wheezing and coughing
· Frequent episodes of coughing and wheezing
· Symptoms become worse at night

Other symptoms are uncomfortable feeling in the chest area and poor endurance. The condition is commonly aggravated by:

· Viral respiratory infections
· Acid reflux
· Changes in weather
· Exercise or activity
· Allergens, such as pollen, pet dander, smoke or dust

Without proper treatment, asthma attacks can be life-threatening. Take your child to the nearest emergency department if you notice symptoms of asthma attack.

Symptoms of an asthma emergency in small children include:

· Difficulty speaking due to restricted breathing
· Gasping for air
· Breathing in hard that the stomach area is sucked below the ribs

Diagnosing asthma in younger children can be challenging as the primary symptoms can also be signs of other condition. With older children, a doctor measures how well lungs work by using a breathing test.

Your doctor will also ask questions to make an accurate diagnosis, such as:

· How often do symptoms occur?
· How long do symptoms last?
· How often do episodes of trouble breathing occur?
· Is there a family history of asthma?
· Does wheezing or coughing wake your child?
· Does your child have allergies?

Allergy test, blood test, and chest X-ray may be performed to check if your child is allergic to certain substances and rule out other health conditions.

How to Treat Asthma in Children

The treatments for asthma in kids aim to:

· Reduce and treat inflammation in the lungs and airways
· Keep symptoms under control
· Minimize the effect or avoid all possible triggers

If your child has asthma, it is important to work with his doctor so you can make strategies for preventing and controlling asthma attacks. You will need to identify what triggers the symptoms and make sure that your child avoids those.

Your doctor may prescribe rescue inhalers or quick relievers for your child to inhibit an asthma attack.

These drugs relieve the spasms in the airways quickly to help your child breathe easier. Short-acting or quick-relief medications like albuterol (Ventolin HFA, ProAir HFA, others) are administered using a metered-dose inhaler or a nebulizer machine.

Types of short-acting medications include:

· Short-acting beta agonists
· Oral and intravenous corticosteroids
· Ipratropium (Atrovent HFA)
· Immunomodulatory agents

If your child has to use a short-acting drug too often, your doctor will recommend long-term treatment. Long-term controls are usually taken every day.

Types of these medications include:

· Inhaled corticosteroids
· Leukotriene
· Cromolyn
· Oral corticosteroids
· Long-acting beta agonist

For children with mild symptoms, short-acting medications may be the only treatment necessary.

For children who use long-term control medications and have persistent asthma, short-acting drugs are only used as quick-relief to treat asthma attacks.

You can also try these natural remedies for asthma if you don’t want to start medication straight away.

Final Word

Asthma can be triggered by air pollution, allergies, weather conditions, certain foods, and respiratory infections. It is essential to observe the behavior of your child and check the symptoms carefully.

The common symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, and chest tightness. If your child develops symptoms that worry you, it is best to see his doctor for proper diagnosis and right treatment.


1. Treating asthma in children under 5. Viewed at: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/childhood-asthma/in-depth/asthma-in-children/art-20044376
2. Diagnosing Childhood Asthma in Primary Care. Viewed at: https://patient.info/doctor/diagnosing-childhood-asthma-in-primary-care
3. Asthma in toddlers. Viewed at: https://www.babycenter.com/0_asthma-in-toddlers_11412.bc

Author Bio:

Oladimeji is an experienced health writer pursuing his passion for blogging at Homeremediesforlife.com. While not watching soccer, he enjoys researching various topics and coming up with solutions for natural home medicines. Interested in knowing more about this home remedies expert? Follow him on Facebook!

Posted in Babycare, Childcare, Home remedies, Parenting Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How to Make Your Kitchen Safe for Children

By Diana Smith,

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Most people and child-safety experts agree that no matter how hard you try, your kitchen will never be completely safe for kids. Kitchens are full of hot surfaces, sharp objects and dangerous chemicals that can seriously hurt your kid, so if possible, children should be kept out of the kitchen or in their high chairs at all times. However that’s not always an option, so here are some steps you can take to make your kitchen as safe for kids as possible.

Secure your drawers and cabinets

Drawers and cabinets can really injure your kid if not secured properly. However, kids love to play around them, open them up and explore their content. Once your kids start walking, open drawers also become dangerous for their little heads. However, if you install automatic closing slides, your drawers will automatically shut and stay shut even after a hard shove. There are also systems that prevent drawers from slamming and pinching fingers.

Another way you can make drawers and cabinets safe is by installing latches or internal locking devices. However, even though latches are cheap and easy to use, your kids can quickly learn how to operate them, so a proper locking device is your safest bet.

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Keep chemicals out of reach

A lot of us keep detergents, cleaning products, pesticides and other toxic chemicals in the kitchen, so it’s very important to keep little hands away from them. The best way to store these products is to keep them locked in a high cabinet. Another thing you can consider is switching from hazardous cleaning products such as bleach, ammonia and chlorine to much safer natural products made of vinegar, mineral oils, beeswax and other. These products are much safer for both your kids and the environment.

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Prevent burns

Kitchen fires are the leading cause of burns in children younger than 14. However, if you want to make sure that your child doesn’t become a part of this statistics, you have to make your kitchen burn-proof. If you have a dishwasher (especially an older model), make sure to run it before your children get up or after they go to bed, because if kids open the dishwasher while it’s running, the steam can seriously hurt them. It’s also smart to invest in a new Electrolux dishwasher that has a quick cycle of only 30 minutes so you can easily keep an eye on it and your kids until it’s finished. Your stove and oven can also be safer. When cooking, keep your pots on burners at the rear end of the stove and keep pot handles turned towards the wall. Additionally, we all know how curious kids are, especially when it comes to buttons and knobs, so get an oven with the knobs at the rear of the stove or invest in some knob covers. Some new ovens also have quadruple-glazed oven doors that are always cool, even if you have a turkey in the oven for 4 hours.

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Watch out for sharp objects

Store knives, scissors, blender blades, peelers, graters and other sharp tools in drawers with a lock or in high cabinets. Some boxes of cling wrap and aluminum foil also have sharp cutting edges your kids can easily hurt themsleves with. Additionally, all glassware and china should also be stored in closed cabinets, because if your child gets to them, they can break them which can cause serious injuries.

Keep meds and vitamins in a safe place

If you keep meds and vitamins in the kitchen, make sure they stay in their original packaging with child-resistant caps. Also, keep them in a hard-to-reach place, just in case.

Even after you take all of these steps, the best way to keep your kids safe in the kitchen is to keep a watchful eye on them and use common sense. This way, you’ll be able to enjoy your kitchen in peace.

image 1 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/08/02/14/34/flame-871136_960_720.jpg

image 2 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/07/09/04/27/child-2486206_960_720.jpg

image 3 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/12/28/22/19/washing-dishes-1112077_960_720.jpg

image 4 – https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/12/30/07/59/kitchen-1940175_960_720.jpg


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Don’t Forget About Mom: How To Keep Fit Postpartum

By Sally Writes,

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The Times Of India reported in March 2016 that for the first time in the country’s history, more than half of the nation’s families had less than two kids. Families are getting smaller, allowing Moms to have more time to themselves for some much needed ‘me time.’ Particularly in the postpartum period, mothers need to be in peak physical condition to be able to keep up with the strenuous task of looking after a baby all day and night, but they often feel guilty about putting themselves first.

A Mom Needs To Take Care Of Herself Too

With the excitement of meeting the new baby for the first time, the well-being of the no-longer pregnant mother quickly gets pushed to the back of everybody’s minds. A mother’s health and fitness is of paramount importance during the first few weeks after birth. It’s a time for healing which is why putting together a gentle, restorative fitness regime is one of the best ways a new mother can take care of herself and give her body some much needed care and attention. There are plenty of workout programs suitable for new Moms that will help her to heal and to gain strength for the parenting journey that lies ahead of her. Continue reading

Exercises A Busy Mom Can Fit Into Her Schedule

The best exercises for a new mother are low impact such as walking, yoga and pilates that are easy for mum and baby to do together. These activities will be a great way for the mother to get fit while bonding with her baby at the same time. It’s a good idea for a new mom to get out the house regularly to add some routine to her life and enable her to make friends with other parents.

Eating Right In The Postpartum Period

Nutrition is also key to repairing the mother’s body after childbirth, but what are the best foods to eat for postpartum recovery? In the days after delivery, the body needs to repair itself, restore depleted iron stores and take on enough fibre to keep the mother’s digestive system running smoothly. Protein, iron and fibre are essential nutrients in the postpartum diet. Foods such as dates and jaggery are packed full of both iron and fibre and are a great source of some much needed energy. Drinking as much milk as possible is another vital component of the postpartum diet as it is high in protein and calcium.

During pregnancy most of the nutrients from the mother’s diet goes straight to her unborn child and her bones in particular will weaken over the 40 weeks as a result. Following a healthy fitness and nutrition plan after birth will make a Mom happier, fitter and more full of life as she enters this exciting new chapter of her life.

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Common Eye Problems in Children

By Diana Smith,

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According to the World Health Organization , approximately 19 million children have impaired vision, of which 12 million have vision impairment due to refractive errors, while an estimated 1.4 million of them have irreversible blindness. Eyesight problems can have long-term consequences for children, preventing them from being able to learn properly, and making everyday life more difficult. Near-sightedness, farsightedness and amblyopia are just some of the eyesight problems children all over the world face.

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A misalignment of the eyes is called strabismus. If somebody suffers from strabismus, their eyes may turn in, out, down or up. However, if the condition is discovered early in its development, it can be corrected. Once the properly aligned eye is patched, it’ll force the misaligned one to work properly. If this doesn’t seem to be a helpful solution, the patient can also undergo surgery or wear specially designed glasses to repair their vision.

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Refractive errors

Refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye doesn’t bend (i.e. refract) light properly, which results in blurred images. Refractive errors can be in the form of nearsightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism. A child who’s been diagnosed with near-sightedness i.e. myopia has poor distance vision. This is not a serious condition, and can easily be treated with glasses or contact lenses. Farsightedness, on the other hand, means that a child can’t see well up close, and the condition is also treated with glasses or contacts. Astigmatism is an imperfect curvature of the front surface of the eye that distorts vision.

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Amblyopia or lazy eye is a more severe form strabismus, which can occur when the eye becomes chronically misaligned. The causes of amblyopia can be crossed eyes and a difference in the refractive error between the two eyes. It’s vital that amblyopia is treated early in its development, otherwise it can cause irreversible visual loss in the affected eye. That’s why it’s paramount that a child has regular eye exams at a Sydney optometrist, so that any potential problem may be detected on time. The problem can easily be treated with a temporary eyepatch or glasses, before the brain learns to ignore the problem and make it a permanent visual impairment.

Retinopathy of prematurity

Retinopathy of prematurity causes abnormal blood vessels to grow in the retina which enables us to see. It’s a disease that occurs in premature babies, and the growth of this condition can even cause blindness. While some forms of retinopathy of prematurity are mild and correct themselves, others require surgery. Since ROP shows no symptoms, it’s crucial that premature babies have regular eye exam so that the problem is detected on time.

Congenital glaucoma

Congenital glaucoma can be genetic; it is a rare condition that happens in infants as a result of high pressure in the eye that may occur if the eye drainage canals didn’t manage to develop properly before birth. It can be treated with medication and surgery.

How you can help your child

The sooner an eye problem is diagnosed, the more efficiently it will be solved. Therefore, it’s necessary for a child to have an eye examination at least once a year. If eye problems run in the family, then the exams should be more frequent and parents should pay more attention to their child’s behaviour, so they notice if their child has vision problems. Frequent blinking, seeing double, losing place when reading, covering one eye, frequent headaches, and holding reading materials close to the face are just some of the signs that indicate your child is having some sort of visual impairment, and should visit an optometrist to find out what eye problem they’re dealing with.

Strabismus, refractive errors, amblyopia, retinopathy of prematurity and congenital glaucoma are just some of the eye problems children may face, but luckily, they’re all treatable. However, it’s essential that children have regular eye examinations so that any problem can be discovered on time and treated without surgery.



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5 Adorable Sewing Projects for your Kid’s Bedroom

By Alex Moore,

Looking for creative things to make for your kid’s bedroom? There are plenty of sewing projects for you to choose from and what’s great is that they are specifically addressed to children. These fun projects can be done in the comfort of your own home, and they’re a marvelous way to teach your children some good skills and how to enjoy themselves on a budget.

Sewing Tips and Projects

Many sewing projects can be a lot of fun, especially when there’s an opportunity to teach your little ones just how enjoyable this craft can be.

However, this requires a firm grasp of the sewing basics. If you need something to get a starter or perhaps a little something to help jog up your memory, you could always check out online resources for the best sewing tips for beginners.

The following are six handpicked projects that are great for beginners. Many of these don’t take much skill. They are also a lot of fun to make.

Your kids will also love getting involved in them. Follow along with the steps, as well as the full tutorials provided in the links. Also, don’t forget to check out the sewing tips as mentioned above.

1.     Fabric Letters



Fabric letters are perfect for the nursery and easy for kids to make. You will need some scrap fabric, batting, some paper, scissors, a sewing machine, a PC, and a printer. Here’s what you’ll need to do. Continue reading

Step 1: Search online for some letter templates.

Step 2: Print them on a blank piece of paper.

Step 3: Using a pair of Fiskars scissors, carefully cut out each letter and set them aside.”

Step 4: Place a piece of batting on your work table and a piece of scrap fabric on top of it.

Step 5: Secure them in place using pins.

Step 6: With the same pair of scissors, cut out a square big enough for your letter. Don’t forget to leave a 1 ½ cm edge on each side of the square.

Step 7: Place your letter of choice on top of the fabric.

Step 8: Using a pencil, draw the letter’s outline on the fabric.

Step 9: With a sewing machine, carefully sew along the letter’s outline.

Step 10: Use the scissors again to cut the letter.

2.     Tooth Fairy Pouch Pillows



A whimsical and easy to make sewing project that is guaranteed to put a smile on the little one’s face. For this project, you will need white and colored felt, paper, and some cotton filler.

Step 1: Cut and pin tooth stencil to white felt then cut out the shape.

Step 2: Cut shapes from the other colored felt for the tooth face and pouch.

Step 3: Sew the face pieces and pouch to the top sides of felt, leave the top of pouch open.

Step 4: Place the tooth shapes together with tops facing each other, pin together.

Step 5: Sew along the edges, leaving a hole at the bottom, stuff inside with cotton filler.

Step 6: Turn pillow inside out and sew the hole closed.

3.     Stuffed Animal Sleeping Bags

sleeping bag


Here is how you can make sleeping bags for stuffed animals. The materials that you need are scrap material and batting. Stuffed animals are optional for this project, but what parent could say no to his child when it comes to buying snuggly toys.

Step 1: Cut pieces of material to the desired size (see website for example), then stack the material with same size batting on top.

Step 2: Pin the material and batting together along the edges, sew the long edges and one short edge.

Step 3: Turn the stack inside out, the open short edge is the top of the sleeping bag.

Step 4: Fold the bottom edge ¾ the way up or where it is about 3 inches from the top, then stitch both sides to close the bag.

Step 5: Fold edges at the top of the back panel, iron creases, and then stitch to join them together, trim any extra material if needed.

4.     Bedside Organizer

This bedside organizer is perfect for your child’s bedroom. You will need the following: fabric, double-fold seam binding, non-skid rug pad or rubber drawer liner.

Step 1: Cut the fabric to the desired size (see website for exact dimensions) then fold it lengthwise.

Step 2: Sew the seam on the short side, turn the fabric inside out and lay it flat.

Step 3: Press or iron the folded ends, place binding along the edge of one of the ends.

Step 4: Fold bound part up about 8” to make a pocket, trim bottom corners, making them round.

Step 5: Cut 9” piece of binding and place one edge under pocket edge, stitch vertically to form the second pocket, trim any excess. Use seam binding to finish long ends.

Step 6: Stack remaining binding, fabric and non-skid liner and the top edge of organizer, stitch together.

5.     Pillow Bed

Baby Child Sleep Pillow Billy Car Bedding


The final project should be a great comfy touch for any room. It’s a big sewing project but well worth your time. You need flannel and four pillows.

Step 1: Cut flannel to fit the dimensions specified in the tutorial, place together and sew the short sides and one long side.

Step 2: Trim points off the sewn corners, fold long unsewn side over and pin twice.

Step 3: Sew the seam along the edge but don’t sew pieces together, turn right side out.

Step 4: From short end, mark parallel lines down to another short end, sew along each line.

Step 5: Stuff pillows into each pocket.


Like with any kind of project, don’t fret about being perfect the first time. It takes practice. Just take your time and have fun. Soon

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