When are Allergies the Worst?

By Guest,

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Allergens are everywhere and always make people sneeze, get itchy eyes, and leave them feeling miserable. There is no specific time that your allergies might get worse as it all depends on where you live. This is why what might affect one person may have no effect on another. More than 50 million people in the US struggle with allergies at some time of the year. There are some months that are considered worst for allergies in the US.

The start of the year is usually the allergy season. This is during the winter and early spring seasons. It is the time grass starts to grow in length, releasing pollen all over. People who are allergic to pollen will suffer greatly during this period.

During the late spring and early summer, the tree pollen season is at its peak in some places like the US southern tier. This pollen heads north as the grass starts to flower. By Memorial Day, pollen tends to fill the air, leading to more allergies. As summer sets in, grass tends to go dry, giving a break to people with allergies. However, this is not the best season for those allergic to dust as the wind will pick up dirt from the dried fields spreading dust everywhere.

During the late summer and fall, a new and fresh allergen, ragweed, comes. This flowering plant is actually known as the leading allergen with most people being allergic to it. It starts to pop at the end of July and since it thrives in hot and humid areas, people living in such areas suffer greatly from allergies.

As fall frost comes, ragweed season comes to an end too as it cannot withstand the low temperatures. However, with cooler weathers comes the onset of another grass season. Since days tend to be shorter in this season, the length of the grass is limited, leading to a short dormancy just before November. The Christmas season is a blessing to all US citizens as there are few allergens outdoors. However, as the New Year comes in, the cycle repeats itself.

Preparing for Allergy Season

First, you need to know what triggers your allergies. Then, reduce your exposure to those triggers; remember they can also be found inside your home. If the allergens are found indoors, ensure you thoroughly clean your home. People who get symptoms throughout the year or whose allergies become severe while indoors may be allergic to pet dander and dust mites. Continue reading

If you have been suffering from seasonal allergies, you should figure out which kind of medicine helps you arrest them and have it at home to use whenever the allergies kick in. taking such medicine before the allergy season peaks will help mitigate symptoms like a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes, as well as an itchy nose.

Allergies might leave you feeling like the outdoor exercises do more harm to your health than good. You are supposed to benefit from exercises not suffer as everyone needs to exercise regularly for good health.

Whether you have allergies or not, you should be able to enjoy the fresh outdoor as you exercise. What matters is that you get the correct medication for your allergies and take great precaution while outdoors. The key is to get prepared. Below are some useful tips.

Check your calendar

It is easy to predict pollen seasons though they may vary in few days. If you know what kind of allergen triggers your allergies, find out when its season starts. Knowing when a certain allergen will be in the season will help you get prepared beforehand. Before the pollen starts to fill the air, get yourself allergy medication, which you can even start taking.

Check the Weather

You can find all the information about pollen level in your area from the internet. Whenever you find out that pollen count will be high in your area, it is safe to stay indoors. Generally, the pollen count is high during warm and windy mornings and low on rainy and cool days. With this information, you can schedule when to exercise outdoors without the risk of getting allergies.

Do not forget to look out for levels of ozone, as well as other pollutants since they are also common allergens. Vehicle exhausts can also trigger allergies for those living in cities or exercise in busy roads.

Pollutants are not the only problem; pollen can also get attached to diesel particles that vehicles emit, making the allergens even more harmful and potent.

Sometimes, Go for Less Intense Activities

If you realize that pollution level or pollen count is high, forgo your usual jogging or biking and go for a less intense exercise. The logic behind this is that the faster you breathe, the more allergens you inhale. Go for stretching exercises, weight training, and yoga. These will yield the same effects as the more intense exercises without heightening your allergy symptoms.

Choose the Right Time of Day

Exercising early in the morning or late in the evening might be ideal as most pollen levels are at their peak around noon and early afternoon. However, during the pollen season, you will always find pollen in the air regardless of the time of day.

Bundle Up in the Cold

Cold weather tends to be the common trigger for people suffering from allergies and sensitive airways. If you are exercising outdoors while the weather is cold, ensure you cover your mouth and nose using a scarf to warm up the air before it gets into your lungs.

Protect Your Eyes and Lungs

Some people use a scarf to cover their noses and mouth to keep pollen from getting in their lungs. Another great way to keep allergens and irritants from getting into your eyes includes wearing goggles.

Change Your Clothes and Shower after Outdoor Exercises

During the pollen season, it is likely that your clothes and hair will be covered in pollen. This is the reason you should shower as soon as you get home. Throw your clothes in the laundry too. Showering will remove any pollen left on your skin as well as hair. Although being outside will have pollen all over your nasal membrane through breathing, showering and washing your clothes will protect your family members who might also have allergies.

Since allergies can get severe with exposure to allergens, following the above tips at all times will help you keep them at bay. Should you need assistance, Dr. Samuel S. Becker, allergy specialist located in Philadelphia is your best option. They can be contacted at https://www.beckerent.com.

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How can I make my Teeth Stronger?

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Once we get older and become more concerned about tooth decay, many people wonder just what they can do to strengthen their teeth. It’s commonly known that enamel is the coating on our teeth that protects them from damage and decay, but many people don’t really understand what it takes to strengthen the enamel. It is possible through a number of ways from altering habits and making lifestyle changes to eating foods that naturally work to reinforce the enamel and fortify the overall strength of the tooth.

Maintaining Strong Teeth Begins with Proper Care

The number one thing you can do to ensure your teeth remain strong and free of damage is to take proper care of them. Even though you probably grew up with adults lecturing you on proper care, those lessons may have been forgotten through the years. By brushing up on those recommendations for proper dental care, you can ensure your teeth will remain strong for years to come.


In addition to brushing after meals, you should also be brushing your teeth upon waking up and just before going to bed. This prevents plaque build-up that can damage or erode tooth enamel. When selecting a toothpaste, you may want to look for one that strengthens enamel. As you do brush, remember not to brush too hard, because this can cause the enamel to erode as well. Instead, use a soft-bristled brush and apply to your teeth at a 45 degree angle, moving gently back and forth across each tooth.


You should be flossing at least once daily. While most people don’t regularly floss, this is an important way to protect your teeth. By flossing in between your teeth, you clean deeper down to the gums and ensure debris is removed more thoroughly.


You can use water or your favorite brand of mouthwash. If you opt for mouthwash, look for a type that has antibacterial properties. By rinsing after meals, you can flush food particles and sugars out of your mouth, before they have a chance to cause decay. Continue reading

Lifestyle Changes Can Strengthen Your Teeth

In addition to properly caring for your teeth, there are probably many lifestyle changes you can enact to help keep your teeth strong and healthy. Of course, the most obvious change is to eliminate sugar from your diet, or reduce it to a minimum. There is bacteria in your mouth that thrives on the sugar found in foods and beverages. As the bacteria feeds on the sugar, it releases acids that work at eroding the enamel of your teeth.

Additionally, sodas pose a double threat to tooth strength. While the sugar content is very high and works to soften teeth, soft drinks also contain acids to preserve the flavor and carbonation. Once we drink soda pop, those acids wash over our teeth, eroding enamel and making it more likely that we’ll develop cavities.

Another way people weaken their teeth is by using them as tools. Your teeth should only be used to chew food. If you bite your nails or use your teeth to help open packages, your weakening their strength. As this becomes a habit, you’re more likely to cause serious damage to one or more of your teeth. You should only be using your teeth for eating, as they’re intended.

Swimmers should be wary of spending too much time in chlorinated pools, as well. The chlorine in swimming pools can cause tooth enamel to erode. If you spend a significant amount of time in chlorinated swimming pools, that process will be expedited and you may develop tooth decay, even if you already properly care for your teeth. Check with the swimming pool’s caretakers to make sure chlorine levels are regularly tested. If the levels become too acidic, you’ll be at an increased risk for tooth decay.

Foods That Can Boost Tooth Strength Naturally

There are a number of foods that can help you maintain strong teeth. Most commonly known are foods high in calcium and phosphorous content. The calcium and phosphorous can actually restore tooth enamel. For calcium, eat dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. Seafood, almonds, and tofu are also rich with calcium. To add more phosphorous to your diet, try eating more Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds. Other foods with a high content of phosphorous include red meat, eggs, and tofu.

Another way to strengthen teeth is to clean them naturally with crunchy foods, especially those containing high levels of water. Apples, celery, carrots, and cucumbers are best for this, because, as you chew, their abrasive texture will help to clean your teeth. The water in these foods also help by rinsing the mouth and neutralizing the bacteria that’s always present in your mouth.

Vitamins C and D are also vital to maintaining healthy teeth. The vitamin D helps the body to better absorb calcium, so it’s important to ensure you’re getting enough of both nutrients. Meanwhile, vitamin C lowers inflammation in the mouth and promotes stronger blood vessel functioning. This helps to keep the gums healthy, which is also vital to tooth strength and health. Weakened gums open the roots up to infection and can allow for deeper decay.

For adding more vitamin D to your diet, cod liver oil, egg yolk, and fish are excellent sources. Getting more sunlight can also benefit you as your skin absorbs vitamin D directly from the sun, but remember to limit your exposure and wear sunscreen.

For vitamin C, try adding more fruits to your diet, particularly kiwi, oranges, and strawberries. Bell peppers, broccoli, and kale are other excellent sources of vitamin C.

King of Prussia Periodontics & Dental Implants offers oral hygiene therapy in King of Prussia, PA. It is overseen by Dr. Marissa Crandall Cruz, Dr. Mana Nejadi, and Dr. Rimple Sandhu. Together, they are experienced in providing a wide range of dental care procedures from periodontal therapy to treating gum disease. The professionals at King of Prussia Periodontics & Dental Implants utilize the latest technological advances and most innovative dental treatments to help every patient maintain a strong and healthy smile. To learn more about them and the services they offer, you can visit their website at https://www.kopperio.com.


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New Technologies in Infertility

By Guest,


Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is the mostly used fertility treatment in busy cities like Mumbai. This busy life and stress especially during the most fertile days of a month has led to infertility issues and thus the increase in fertility centers in Mumbai, especially Malad which is in the northern part of Mumbai city thereby rapidly increasing the number fertility clinic in Mumbai on the whole.

IUI is a method giving a head start for the low mobility sperms and improve pregnancy rate. It facilitates the weak sperms by artificially placing sperm in the uterus for fertilization and helps more sperms to reach the fallopian tube and thereby increasing the chance for fertilization.

IUI is encouraged when there is unexplained infertility or ejaculation dysfunction or in case of any cervical scar due to past procedures may disturb the sperm entering the uterus.

Previously carried out the procedure for IUI is proper medication and drugs for ovulation, followed by careful monitoring of eggs getting matured. Continue reading

The semen preparation for IUI is done to separate the sperm from seminal fluid and then inserted carefully into uterus thereby increasing the possibility of conception.

For a couple to take any infertility treatment cost is one major criteria they think about the united states charge upto $865 for using own partner’s sperm, the charges vary based on the medicines required and if there is a requirement of donated sperm then cost goes even high.

Most of the people prefer IUI treatment nowadays because it is the initial try for any infertility reasons and also the time taken for the entire process will come upto 15 to 20 mins, done in a small clinic. It is also recommended for it requires no pain relievers or medications.

Male fertility problems are best solved by IUI than just timing intercourse. IUI being the less invasive and less expensive than any other assisted reproduction technology, such as IVF makes it more popular among couples.

Even though IUI is an advised and successful treatment, it’s success rates depends on variable reasons like couple’s fertility problem and age. Natural IUI method gives about 4 to 5 percent and in case of drug usage the rate if about 7 to 16 percent.

There may arise lot of questions in a couple taking fertility treatment regarding their wellbeing after the process. It’s absolutely fine for having sexual intercourse at any point after IUI is performed. In some case if the sperm count is low for the partner then having sexual intercourse may increase the sperm count in the uterus thereby improve possibilities for pregnancy. And the female partner can continue with regular work if preferred by them personally.

It’s more important that the mother should also remain healthy after such an artificial pregnancy. Possibilities for reflux is also there for the uterus may contract a bit after insemination which will squeeze the fluid out. In most cases, there will be plenty of sperm that stayed in the uterus to produce a pregnancy.

Negative signs are revealed by getting periods after 2 weeks of IUI. In case if you are using progesterone vaginal suppositories periods may be a bit late but that is not a sign of pregnancy.


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Newborn Photography Tips for Great Baby Photos

By Stephanie Lewis,


Newborn photography can bring you so many surprises! Most mothers get excited to document pictures of their new born babies in best ways possible. Whether you are a professional newborn photographer or someone who is looking to photograph some nice pictures of his/her new born baby. Make sure you have a nice pro camera and other essential accessories for photography before you start capturing images. I’ve compiled some unique and simple tips that will help capturing gorgeous baby photos. Have a look:

Give the Baby a chance to inspire you

Motivation is found everywhere – even at Pinterest. It is always best to prepares poses before starting the photography session. Just like for the wedding photography or landscape photography you let the events reveal their beautiful happenings naturally, for newborn photography, I trust the best pictures are spontaneous! You can take inspiration from the unique features of each baby. No matter if it’s the adorable dimples, enormous lovely eye lashes, full-lips, or incredible curly hair that you want to attempt to highlight in the pictures.

Stay in the moment…


Give the baby a chance to turn, yawn, and get easy. New born babies have magnificent, sweet ways to move and stretch. Don’t worry about capturing the ideal poses every time. Continue reading

Get Mom in the photo frame


Get the mother in the picture. She will love it and so will her new born after some years. One thing to keep in mind here is to keep mama/infant postures simple and with no such exertion required from the mother. There are chances; she’s yet a little awkward and taking her time to recover from a surgery so photographing her with the baby smartly and gently is the key to get good pictures.

Babies Sleeping Time=Babies Best Pictures

Beside trying out different poses and a couple of way of lifestyle shots, one thing “to do” in my tips list is taking close ups of babies while they are sleeping. When I photograph infants, i want to catch close-ups of infant’s toe, tiny hair on their hands, pouted lips, and ears, and so on… The best time to do this is when they are asleep.

These close “detailed” shots are charming as well as they are extraordinary for family photo albums. As you will be focusing using macro lens, the ideal time to shoot such pictures is the point at which the infant is still. (In deep sleep)

Use Props


Use cute props/wraps/covers/headbands to photograph babies. When you have props, it gets easier for you to construct poses in mind and click better photos. You can be inspired by so many ideas you will find online. Make props at home with your family or order some really nice customized ones to use them for your new born baby photography.

Have flexibility and be creative!

I realized when I turned into a parent that enjoying your time with your kids brings out the best in you. Similar strategy is valid for baby photography. On the off chance that the baby wouldn’t like to rest to pose after you’ve have made all arrangements, try some lifestyle shots and continue shooting. Wrap him/her tight and attempt to have eye to eye connection. Get pictures of mother kissing the baby’s forehead, shoot a picture when the baby smiles or when the mother rocks his cradle. You can try out different backgrounds, big blankets, hats, flowers, baskets etc. Be creative and adaptable – the session doesn’t generally go as arranged and that may give you some unique pictures at some point. The absolute best chances frequently originate from surprising moments. Good look!

Newborn Photography

Author Bio:

Stephanie Lewis is a writer and a new born photographer. She joined Photography Concentrate team in 2017 and since then she has been trying to pursue the best photography and editing practices. Besides photography, she loves having coffee, meeting new people and travelling to exotic places. Read more photography blogs at https://photographyconcentrate.com/



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Kiddy Claw from WittyPants

Hi Moms,


Now that holiday season is nearing I’m sure all of you would be finding ways to keep your kids occupied.

I came across Wittypants a company that makes innovative activity boxes for kids. One such box that I got to review is the Kiddy Claw. The products were good, it takes a while to understand and assemble the toy. It will surely keep your kids glued. It was a fun activity set which can later be used as a toy.


They have different products and subscription modes based on ages. You can check out more on their site here:


Some words about Witty pants from their site: Continue reading

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Witty Pants is founded with the passion of driving curiosity and enabling self-propelled learning in children. We believe that exposure to a wide variety of fun hands-on challenges helps “create an environment in which children can nurture their natural psychological, social, physical and creative abilities”. 
We want to make it fun, easy, and delightful to spend time creating and exploring. All our products have been developed to be inclusive and encourage parents and kids to spend quality time together to create something useful with just the right balance of fun & learning.

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We feel privileged to have placed our passions where we inspire the next generation to become the best version of themselves, and we are glad to share our passion with your family through Witty Pants. Happy Exploring! ”


Would I recommend Wittypants?

I surely recommend trying out their products as it is innovative and will enhance new skills in kids. Kids below 4 will surely require assistance.



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Happy Women’s Day to all you Gorgeous Mommies!!

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Save More on Shopping For Your Baby with the Newly Launched Zoutons App


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We all love shopping Don’t We???  In today’s fast world shopping has also become very fast. The whole scenario of the marketing world has become very Consumer Friendly. Now we can shop for whatever we want from anywhere in world. All thanks to online shopping!!!

The whole shopping experience has become so pleasurable! Continue reading

Moms like us, love to buy fashionable clothes, comfortable shoes & all other good things for our kids. But carrying kids along with us for shopping every now & then … is totally bad idea (we all know why?)

Hence it is most suitable for us to shop online for kids stuff. But we are worried about the prices. It is a myth that online shopping is very expensive, but in reality it is not so.

Through online shopping we can shop and buy online almost everything. We can shop online for famous brands on various websites, which offers heavy discounts and cash back which could be availed with a help of some special coupon codes.

Don’t stress further!


Zoutons.com, as can be inferred from its tagline The Loot is ON!! Is a coupons and deals aggregation website which provides its users with the latest running coupons & deals, and creates happy customers by helping them get a discount on their online shopping bill?

And the good news is that Zoutons has recently launched their App.

Zouton App


  • The app allows you to filter content according to your preferences, based on the type of users, categories or stores.
  • The offers are based on the past history.
  • It is very user friendly.
  • Available free of cost.
  • It guarantees genuine deals & offers without hassles of ads.
  • Excellent Graphics User Interface. The night mode takes the strains off your eyes during night browsing. Home screen is very attractive.
  • It takes up only 2.7 mb space, which is very less.
  • Tailor-made feeds & notifications of the offers, gives you proper information about the things you want.


Soon my younger son’s First Birthday is approaching. First Birthday is enough reason for big celebrations!!!! With Big celebrations comes endless shopping.

But unlike in the case of my elder son’s First Birthday, this time I did most of the shopping online…. As it is much easier for me to shop online sitting in the comforts of my home than to carry an almost 4 year old & soon to be 1 year old in markets & malls.

For getting information about offers & deals during this kids shopping spree I completely relied on Zoutons.

Once I selected a deal or a coupon, either I could view it, or it redirected me to the merchant website… And the shopping continued.

It was totally a Win Win experience.

You can use zoutons for food delivery, mobile recharge, groceries, train; bus tickets… in short amazing deals for anything & everything!!!

So next time before shopping online for anything especially baby stuff , go ahead & download Zoutons App, check for all the offers & coupon codes available. And then go ahead with your shopping.

Happy Shopping!!

Posted in Baby and Kids fashion, Baby gear, Baby grooming, Baby jewels, Baby play, Baby Shopping, Baby utensils, Babycare, Breastfeeding, Childcare, Delivery, Diapering, Parenting Tips, Product Reviews | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Emirates Cabin Crew and Pilot Uniform for Kids


Seeing a pilot and air hostess is a fascinating thing for kids, so Emirates has tried to make this fascinating dream come true for your kids. An exclusive range of uniforms are going to be specially curated for your kid to experience and role play. Let imaginations fly with Emirates pilot outfit for kids. They’ll love pretending to be an Emirates captain, flying off to new adventures.

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The authentic set contains uniform, cap, and comes packed neatly in a box. The uniform comes in sizes suitable for ages three to eight. The quality is extremely good and they have used velcro to easily remove the costume.

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Your kids will love it.  The uniforms are available on Emirates official online store.

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Posted in Baby play, Product Reviews, Toddler and Kids | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Story Of Failure – A Journey Towards Success

haar ko harao

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I remember those days when my little baby boy started hitting his milestones, sitting, crawling, standing & then walking!! He tried to walk … fell, cried for a moment and in a few minutes he tried again…it went on like this until one day he took few steps for the very first time. A very bright smile of achievement could be seen on his little innocent face. Continue reading

My little baby has grown up to become Mumma’s little boy or in his words ‘BIG BOY’.

That day while I went to pick him up from the Preschool, his class teacher informed me about a sports event which was to be conducted in the next 10 days. The teacher requested all the parents to take note of the information displayed on the notice board.

On our way home, as usual me & my son were having a chat about what all things happened in the school. He told me that they were given extra time for sports … did long jumps this & that.

His teacher had told them to try to drive a bicycle without the support wheels….

Yes, it was one of the activities which were to be conducted on sports event, & parents were asked to help the kids with this at home.

I told my son, “Oh Dear, You are so small … you will not be able to do it, you will fall down & get hurt. We will learn it later when you will be a big boy.”

“Oh  Mamma , I want to learn. I will not fall down. See I am a ‘BIG BOY’.’’ He said while standing on his toes!!

The Motherly fear in me tried to explain to him again.

“But Beta, you will fall down & get hurt.  ”

To this he said, “Mamma, if I fall you apply medicine & again I will ride my bicycle… I will learn I am a BIG BOY. BIG BOYS don’t get hurt.”

That day when my husband got home, the first thing he had to do was to remove the support wheels of his bicycle.

Everyday from evening till night the only thing my son did was to try to ride the bicycle on his own. Me, My husband & his grandparents would walk with him holding his cycle. He would say don’t hold, don’t hold I will manage on my own… but we anyway did.

He fell down almost everyday but he continued anyhow. He could ride a bicycle for fraction of second and fall. But he was happy with it & kept trying.

Then came the Big Day!!

In the sport event, almost all the kids participated in all the sports activities. But very few participated in the Bicycle race.  One of those few kids was my son. My kid did not win that race … but he could ride it only for a fraction of minute… & then he fell.

But anyway both of us, me & my husband, cheered for him. He walked to us with sad little face….     “ Sorry Mumma, I could not win. But I will ride the cycle when I get home!!”

This made me realize, that children are born fearless… it is us, the parents & the society who teach them the fear of failure.

We Parents want our kids to have a very bright future & a successful career & there is nothing wrong in it.

But in reality, success only comes to a person with to do attitude. In this journey towards success there may be several moments of failure. But we have to overcome the fear of failure & move forward towards our goal… As it is said, that Winners are not those people who never fail, but people who never quit.

Surf excel, a detergent brand from Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) is taking forward their philosophy of ‘ Daag Ache hain ‘ , with brand new campaign ‘Haar ko harao’.

This campaign is focused on parenting challenge of helping kids cope up with the failure. In India, where failure is unacceptable and everybody wants to win without putting in all the hard work. This video of Surf excel ‘Haar ko harao’  is a must watch for all the parents.

Happy Parenting!!


Posted in Baby grooming, Baby Shopping, Babycare, Family, Parenting Tips, Toddler and Kids | Leave a comment

Soaking in the Winter Sun – Camping Tips


 It’s the winter season – the best time to take your kids out to play! Since it’s not too hot, they can have fun as well as soak in some much-needed Vitamin D.

Winters are a great time for family picnics, treks and day camps. Outdoor play is necessary so that kids understand their environment and become accustomed to nature, different activities and behavior.

kids camo

While during winters, night camp isn’t possible for younger kids, day camps are a great option for kids to explore the different nuances of nature. Camps are a great source of education, learning and fun. It gives them an instant opportunity to connect with their peers and other teachers with whom they might not have interacted. Most schools organize day camps for their students. But you could organize the perfect day camp for them too.

Highlighting some of the advantages of organizing a camp activity for your little ones:

1. It helps them make everlasting bonds with their peers and friends. Camps are a great way of bonding and will lay down the foundations of beautiful friendships which will be cherished for life.


2.Camps are a great way to develop confidence and resilience. There are high chances that your kid might be doing a certain activity for the first time while camping. So even if it means bruising your knee, it is only making your kid stronger and more confident in the long run.

3. Camps help kids to understand nature. As new parents, we try to avoid any outdoor activity because of the fear of getting dirty or in the worst case, falling sick. Sending your kid to an outdoor nature camp will only enable them to adapt to nature in a better way and understand nature and its ways.

I am sharing some tips that will help you in preparing for that perfect day camp –

You can always think of a theme around the camp. For e.g. a police thief game might be the central theme of the camp. In this, some kids can come dressed as policemen, while others can come dressed as thieves. This will not only break the monotony of a regular day camp but introduce an element of fun in it.


Now that you are ready with the theme, you can go ahead and plan the activities. These activities should be in sync with the theme.  Plan different games or any sorts of board games which you might want to carry to the camp as well.


You might be aware of the current season of the location of the camp, but what must not be missed is the local weather. So always check the general weather trend. You might need to carry rain supplies, just in case it starts pouring.

When it comes to outdoor camps, the abundance of mosquitoes and other insects is a major concern. It is therefore very important to dress your kids accordingly. Always dress them up in full-sleeved clothes to keep dust and germs at bay. Avoid dark-coloured clothing as it tends to attract mosquitoes. The easiest way to avoid mosquitoes is by using either of these two mosquito repellents –

GOODKNIGHT FABRIC ROLL-ON – The Goodknight Fabric Roll-On is 100 % natural, made of pure citronella and eucalyptus oils. Just put 4 dots on your little one’s clothes and he is ready to set out for his camp. This provides protection for up to 8 hours so that your kids enjoy a mosquito-free playtime at their respective day camps.

good knight patch

GOODKNIGHT PATCHES – You can keep those nasty mosquitoes away by applying these cute little patches over your little one’s dress. Because they are loaded with the goodness of natural oils, you need not worry about mosquitoes spoiling your kid’s play routine at the camp.

Furthermore, both these products are also paediatrician certified so stock yourself with these repellents at all times and use them on a daily basis, such as applying 4 dots on your child’s uniform before they leave for school or when they go out to play in the evening.

So go ahead and plan that much needed outdoor camp for your little one and his friends, and let them explore Mother Nature at its best!







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6 Creative Ideas for Decorating a New Born Baby’s Room on a Budget

By Randy,


The arrival of the baby in the family makes the parents excited and happy. The excitement of the parents compelled them to make give every possible thing to their child. The making of the newborn baby’s room is the first and the foremost expression of love for the baby as most parents start preparing the baby’s room before the birth. As the parents of the newborn baby, your life is going to be filled with excitement, joy, and bliss. You will start doing everything which is good for your baby. From the point, you have conceived your baby until the end of your life the center of focus for you is your baby. In order to give a comfortable and cozy environment for your baby you should decorate the beautiful and amazing nursery for the baby. Some of the creative ideas for the beautiful nursery are as follows.


Creative Painting:

As you all know that whether you are decorating your bedroom or your newborn baby’s room the color of the walls determines the overall look of the room. In order to make your baby’s room beautiful and exciting, you should paint the walls of the room creatively. There are many latest techniques of painting through which you can create a theme in the room. The themed painting can play a major role in making your child creative and innovative. Therefore, instead of simply painting the walls, you should do the themed painting on the walls of your newborn baby’s room.

The Element of Nature:

In order to make your child a nature-lover you should introduce your child to the natural things right from the beginning. You can make your child nature-lover by adding the element of nature in your child’s room. In order to make your baby’s room beautiful and amazing, you should create a perfect nature theme with the help of an alphabetical-tree. No matter it is a baby boy or a baby girl you should make sure to provide the natural inkling in your newborn baby room. Continue reading


Hang 3D Toys:

Every child is inclined towards the attractive colors and themes right from the beginning. In order to indulge your child in something playful and exciting, you should hang the 3D toys on the walls of the room. You can hang the 3D toys with the help of good quality cordless drills, Check this post. This will make the baby’s room beautiful and attractive.

Simple Convertible Crib:

While you are designing your baby’s room you don’t have to buy the designer crib. In order to provide cozy and comfortable sleeping environment to the baby, you should buy the most affordable and comfortable folding crib. This will prevent you from spending a large amount of money and it will be transformed into a toddler bed when the time comes.


Play Area:

If you want to prevent your baby’s room from getting messy all the time then you should make the separate play area in your baby’s room. You can put some toys like stuffed toys and other rattling toys in that area in order to engage your baby in the playful activities.

Add Details:

While you are decorating your baby’s room then instead of splurging money on big and expensive furniture you should work on the small details like hanging creative pictures in the room and hanging cartoons and toys on the walls of the room.


Author bio 

Randy is a mechanical engineer with the construction business of his own. He knows all the ins and outs of the industry and the right use of the tools. That is exactly what he teaches on his blog. He regularly posts on Best Cordless Drills Pro, navigate to this website.

 *Free Images from www.google.com*

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Your Body After Childbirth – The Facts That You Need to Know

By Kathy,

mom and baby


After waiting nine, long months, you have finally got the chance to meet your small one in person, and we bet that was a memory that you will hold on to, as any mother does, for the rest of your life! Going through those nine months is both a wonderful but also a hard experience.

Pregnancy symptoms are no joke with the morning sickness, swollen feet, aching back, tender breasts and what not. And so is childbirth. But you will quickly learn that is not all for nothing, and that is the very same moment when you make the first eye contact with your baby.

But what most people will not tell you is that the hard part does not stop there. There are more than a few body changes that you have to deal with in the weeks that follow after you have given birth. Interested to find out more about these body changes? Let’s start, shall we?

The body changes that occur after childbirth

·You will keep your baby belly –

It will take around a few weeks even two months before you lose your baby belly. That is due to the stretching of the abdominal muscles that develops over the nine months of pregnancy.

It will take time, motivation, a healthy diet plan, and hard work if you are really interested in losing that baby belly and yes, we do mean exercise. However, you would like to wait at least one month before you proceed with exercising to let your body get back to normal without you putting too much pressure. Continue reading

·Your whole body aches –

After you have given birth and you are finally moved back to your room, you will soon start to feel fatigue and aches throughout the whole body. And that is normal – there is nothing wrong with you.

Perhaps you will feel as if you have done a whole 3 hours of heavy exercising without pressing pause but again, it is totally normal. After all the contractions and pushing is done, it is normal to feel weak and aching. But all that will pass after you spend a few days in bedrest.

·There is still cramps present –

Once that you successfully have delivered your baby and the placenta out from the uterus now it is up to the uterus to return to its original size. That will not be some joyful experience, unfortunately.

You will probably still feel cramps and abdominal aches throughout the next few weeks as your uterus is getting back to its normal size. Again, this is a normal part of the process.

If you start breastfeeding, chances are that this process will go faster due to the increased release of the hormone oxytocin. However, if you feel as if you cannot deal with the pain, then you can ask your doctor to prescribe some over-the-counter painkillers that you can use and that will not harm your baby.

·You will continue experiencing breast changes –

Most probably your breasts have become tender and enlarged during pregnancy. But that does not stop there. Now that they are filled with milk that is ready to be fed to your baby, you will notice them still being tender, even painful at the touch and enlarged. You will have to make sure that you prevent your milk ducks from getting blocked by changing feeding positions and rotating feeds at each breast as well as use a breasting pump if needed.

·You will bleed heavily –

Lochia is the term being used to describe the heavy bleeding that follows in the next four to seven days after childbirth. This is normal, again it is only a reaction to your body getting back to normal after you have given birth. You will most probably have to wear sanitary pads – tampons are not recommended, to protect yourself against all that heavy bleeding since spotting is expected to follow in the next four weeks as well.

·You become constipated –

This is a common problem that follows after childbirth. It is suggested that constipation occurs as a result of the anxiety or the worries that you might have that your stitches will tear up if you try to relieve your bowels. That will most likely not happen, except if it is said by the doctor otherwise. You can try to relax, eat more fiber-rich food and drink plenty of water to fight constipation.

·You experience vaginal swelling and stinging –

It will take a few days for your vagina to get back into shape and vaginal swelling and stinging are the ways that it is done. If it becomes a lot for you, you can try putting an ice pack over it a few times over the day as well as getting into a more comfortable position when you sit down by using a pillow.

·You continue to experience night sweats –

Night sweats are a common pregnancy sign that occurs as a result of the hormonal changes in the body.

However, this could continue to follow during the next couple of weeks as well. This happens also as a result of hormonal changes that take time to get back into normal.

Your body is retaining a lot of fluid after pregnancy and excess sweating is one of the ways that it can get rid of it. Make sure that you are sleeping in comfortable clothes and open a window if the weather is nice to let that fresh air cool you down.


As you go through your pregnancy week by week, you wonder what will your baby look like, how will you feel, how will you get around with keeping it safe and warm, but did you wonder about the potential body changes that most probably will follow?

Well, in today’s article we have explained the most common body changes that you should be expecting once you have given birth. Some of them are more easily manageable than other might seem, but you will do it – now that you have your precious baby’s face to motivate you to become stronger, healthier and better for your child!





Author Bio:


Kathy Mitchell is a Travel & Beauty Blogger. She likes to Go Out with her Friends, Travel, Swim and Practice Yoga. In her free time, you can find Kathy curled up Reading her Favorite Novel, or Writing in her Journal. She is also a PR for Joint Health Magazine. To know more about her follow her on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.


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