Nose Jobs: New Techniques and Materials

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By Admin,

What is Rhinoplasty?

Your nose remains one of the first characteristics others notice about you. If you are uncomfortable about the size or shape of your nose, you might feel embarrassed about the way you look, and your self-esteem might be low. If you’re looking for a change in the way your nose looks, rhinoplasty corrects any defects you have in the way your nose looks.

Rhinoplasty, which is frequently called a nose job, is plastic surgery done to change the shape or function of the nose. You choose cosmetic rhinoplasty for many reasons such as having:

        A nose that is not the right size for your face.

        A bump on your nose.

        A nose that isn’t straight.

        An unsightly nasal tip.

        Poor facial proportions or balance.

Combining functional rhinoplasty with cosmetic rhinoplasty also corrects:

         A deviated septum.

        Problems breathing through the nose.


        Damage done when a nose is broken.

        Sinus infections that occur often.


Each nose functional or cosmetic issue must be evaluated by an experienced surgeon who is well-versed in treating nasal problems. The doctor you choose must be able to understand your personal goals for the way your nose should look, facial balance, and nasal function.


Are you a candidate for rhinoplasty?


If you don’t care for your nose’s appearance, you should consider rhinoplasty. If you don’t breathe adequately through your nose or have frequent sinus infections, rhinoplasty can help you. If you’ve had previous nose jobs that were less than successful, rhinoplasty can help you achieve the looks and function that you deserve.

What is the process for having a rhinoplasty?


The first step to a beautiful, functional nose is a consultation. Our physicians give you a thorough examination and discuss your medical history. At the meeting, you can tell our doctors about your dreams for the way your nose looks and functions. Working as a team, you and your doctor decide the best course of action to take to make your dreams come true. You also get a better idea of the type of surgery you’ll have and how long it takes to heal. Your doctor answers your questions about many aspects of the operation during this consultation.

How do you prepare for rhinoplasty?

Your doctor tells you how to prepare for your upcoming surgery. Some of the things he might ask you to do are:

        Quit smoking a month before your surgery.

        Discontinue taking certain supplements and medications before the surgery, such as vitamin E and aspirin.

        Be sure to tell your doctor every prescription, an herb or supplement you take, just in case you need to quit taking it before surgery. Check with the doctor to see when you need to stop taking these substances.

        You’ll need to quit eating and drinking after midnight the day before your surgery, or as directed by the doctor.

        Have your pain prescriptions filled and your house prepared, as you won’t want to run around after your operation ends.

        Pick someone to take you home after surgery.

And the process?

There are two main types of nose jobs: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. During an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes a tiny incision between the nostrils. Open rhinoplasty remains used with more complex nasal surgeries. Closed rhinoplasty uses incisions that only occur inside the nostrils, and avoids visible scarring. This type of rhinoplasty is only used in less complex nasal operations, however.

Advanced techniques are used to sculpt the way your nose looks. The physician might break and reset nasal bones or graft cartilage onto the nose. Or, they may change the shape, length or form of your nose.

After the required changes are made in your nose, it gets sutured. A splint becomes placed on the nose to ensure proper healing. Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, which means you won’t spend time in the hospital after the operation is done. You’ll be able to go home to rest. You receive general anesthesia or local anesthesia that includes IV sedation.

Any pain that comes with this surgery is dealt with by pain medications and ice. Following all postoperative instructions also significantly lessens your pain levels. Your nasal splint comes off somewhere between five and ten days after surgery during a post-op doctor’s appointment.

You need to mouth breathe for a while after this surgery. The dry mouth remains easy to treat during the healing process by:

        Drinking lots of hydrating fluids like water.

        Raising the humidity levels in your home if it is dry.

        Sucking on hard candy.

        Having lip balm available for use.

Your dry mouth should subside as soon as your nasal splint gets removed.

You might have swelling or black eyes after your surgery, but this heals quickly. You need some extra rest for a week or two after your surgery. Also, avoid strenuous activities and exercise for several weeks or as your surgeon recommends. Complete results from your rhinoplasty are seen several months after the surgery.

How do you choose a great cosmetic surgeon for your rhinoplasty?

If you need rhinoplasty for functional or cosmetic reasons, please consider scheduling a consultation with Dr. Marcelo Ghersi at the Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami. Dr. Ghersi grew up in Florida. He got his MD at George Washington University and received postgraduate training. He completed his plastic and reconstructive education at Cleveland Clinic Hospital. Dr. Ghersi traveled throughout the country studying and learning from some of the best facial plastic surgeons in the world. He is board certified.

Please contact Dr. Ghersi, the rhinoplasty expert of Miami, to schedule a consultation about your rhinoplasty today.

About admin

Jaishri is a working mom and the founder of mommyswall. She is also a certified Yoga instructor and believes in Natural living. This Blog is a contribution of lovely moms and dads around the world.
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