A Complete Guide to Alcohol Addiction Help for Teens

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By Admin,

For many, drinking alcohol is considered a rite of passage into adulthood. It’s something that “cool kids” do to rebel against the status quo. It’s considered a part of our stereotypical image of wild, reckless youth. 

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are more of a problem in teenagers than you might think. In 2018, over 42% of teenagers had taken a drink in the last 12 months. The number is even higher for older teenagers, with over 58% of High School seniors had gotten drunk in the last year. 

With alcohol being so normalized, some might pass it off as “no big deal.” That’s a very serious mistake. Alcohol’s actually a very serious substance. It plays a role in everything from domestic violence to sexual assault to suicide. It’s got one of the worst withdrawals of any substance. It can even be lethal

Despite all of these risks, alcohol is still totally legal and widely available. This can lead teenagers to think it’s harmless, which is a major mistake. Unfortunately, there is no age limit on developing an alcohol addiction. 

Here are some signs that your teen may be in need of alcohol addiction help to look out for. 

Signs Your Teenager May Need Alcohol Addiction Help

Teenagers may like to think they know it all and they’re so grown up, but they don’t and they’re not. They have no idea about drinking responsibly or in moderation. They don’t know the pain of hangovers or the risks that can happen while intoxicated. 

The legal drinking age is 21 for a reason. 

And yet, even while we never condone underage drinking, and it’s always illegal, there’s still a difference between casual drinking and being an alcoholic. These are signs of alcohol addiction to keep an eye out for, to help you decide for yourself if your teen needs alcohol addiction help.

Withdrawing From Life

One of the first signs of addiction in teens isn’t that dissimilar from recognizing alcohol addiction in adults. Does your teen seem to be dropping out of life? Are they showing disinterest in things they used to be passionate about?

This is one of the heartbreaking as well as frightening aspects of alcoholism in teenagers. It’s tragic to watch the excited, passionate, engaged young people we love to become shadows of their former selves. It can have long ranging consequences, as well. 

Do keep in mind that drugs and alcohol aren’t the only things that teenagers struggle with. If you suspect your teenager might have a problem, you need to sit down and talk with them first. See how things are in other parts of their life. Make sure they’re not having trouble at school or experiencing depression for some other reason. 

If your teenager doesn’t open up to you that much, you might consider finding a therapist that can work with you and your teen to rule out problems other than alcohol

Drinking Alone

Drinking in isolation is a major warning sign for seasoned drinkers. For teenagers, it totally cuts out the socializing, fun-with-friends narrative of drinking and partying. It’s a sign they’re drinking for the effects it produces and to help them cope with life. 

That’s a dangerous precedent to start and it gets worse as time goes on. If you notice your teenager drinking by themselves or find traces of alcohol around your house or in their room, you should definitely have a heart-to-heart with them. That’s a good warning sign they might need some alcohol addiction treatment. 

Experiencing Repercussions

Qualifying alcoholism is ultimately an inside job. It’s something that an individual needs to admit to themselves. It’s also important as alcoholism can look vastly different from case to case. 

One of the metrics that Alcoholics Anonymous uses to help newcomers decide if they have a problem or not is if they have trouble drinking responsibly. They “have little control over when they start drinking, and can’t stop once they do.”

This kind of drinking can lead to serious consequences in a short amount of time. Getting arrested for driving while under the influence, missing important events, getting fired from jobs, or making reckless and impulsive decisions while under the influence are all warning signs that drinking has gotten out of control and that alcohol addiction rehab may be necessary. 

Personality Shifts 

Most ordinary drinkers don’t experience a radical personality shift when they drink alcohol. Sure, they may become a bit wilder or more reckless. Most regular drinkers don’t experience a vast difference in their personality once they start drinking, though. 

If your teenager is normally cheerful and outgoing and you notice them being sullen, withdrawn, or melancholy while under the influence of alcohol, that could be a warning sign of a bigger problem. Or if they’re normally mellow, cheerful, and easy-going, but become prone to fits of anger when they’ve been drinking, that’s a surefire sign it’s time to look into alcohol addiction treatment. 

Remember, there is no shame in seeking out alcohol addiction treatment. It’s actually one of the best things you can do for your teenager and the rest of your loved ones. It shows there’s nothing wrong with asking for help. It’s also an example of having good boundaries and accepting consequences for your actions. 

Getting help with alcohol addiction early can be one of the best things to ever happen to somebody if they do have a problem. 

Looking For More Parenting Tips?

Being a mom is hard work! You’re responsible for this brand new life, and every decision you make makes a lifelong impression. You’ve got to be a doctor, a therapist, a guidance counselor, and a walking encyclopedia all in one! 

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About admin

Jaishri is a working mom and the founder of mommyswall. She is also a certified Yoga instructor and believes in Natural living. This Blog is a contribution of lovely moms and dads around the world.
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