Stress Management for Moms

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By admin,

At times, being a mom can sometimes feel like a thankless job, but at the end of the day, seeing your family happy makes everything worth it. In your children’s eyes, you’re a superhero who can do anything, anytime, anywhere. While you’d like to think this is true most of the time, every now and then, even a superhero feels overwhelmed! An excessive amount of stress on the mind and body may result in fatigue, irritability and high blood pressure.

Stress Awareness Month is recognized throughout April and below, we’ve highlighted some ways in which you can take a step back from an overwhelming situation and channel those anxious feelings in order to spend less time worrying about life and more time enjoying it!

Talk it Out

 One of the best ways to release stress is to do just that — release it! Talking about your feelings with someone you trust is both relieving and empowering. Relieving in the sense that you’re no longer keeping things bottled up inside and empowering because that person may be able to help you come up with a plan to be proactive against future stressors.

 Whether it’s with an individual, like a counselor, or a support group, it’s important to have an ally in your corner that you can vent to about anything. It’s better that this person is unbiased, so most likely not your significant other, as you want to feel comfortable enough to discuss any topic without judgement or adding additional stress on your loved ones.

 Everyone needs that person to turn to where no topic is too personal to discuss, even when it comes to intimacy troubles with your partner. It’s important to have a  person in your life who you relate to and can offer advice on even the most embarrassing topics, like treatment options to overcome low libido, which can stem from an increase in stress. Having these conversations with someone you trust may also encourage you to seek the professional help necessary to work through your issues and in turn feel more at peace.

 Practice Self-Care

 As of late, self-care is a buzzword that seems to be popping up all over the place. As a busy mom, self-love is likely the last thing we’re thinking about. Carving out some time for yourself is something you deserve and should not bring on feelings of guilt.

 The beauty of self-care is that it comes in many forms. Therefore, the way it’s practiced varies depending on the individual. If you’re someone who enjoys cooking, spend some time testing out new recipes while your kids are napping or in school. Challenging yourself while creating something delicious is a great way to alleviate stress and get making dinner out of the way at the same time!

 Plan Ahead

 It’s likely your most stressful moments occur when you’re trying to get everyone out of the house on time. One kid can’t find their shoes, another just spilled their snack all over, and to top it off, the dog ran out the front door because you left it wide open.

 By the time you get where you need to be not only are you late but you feel like your head might explode! In order to avoid this feeling, consider planning ahead a bit. Even the smallest steps such as laying out a no-fuss outfit or packing your kid’s lunches the night before can save you time and sanity when attempting to get everyone out of the house in the morning. It takes time and practice, but once you’ve adapted a routine, what was once a dreaded time of your day will turn into one you actually look forward to.

Before bed tonight, get out a pen and notebook, and dig deep into your thoughts. Create a list of all your stressors, then list possible solutions under each one. This will get your brain flowing and help you see that it is possible to reign in the chaos and lessen your stress.Don’t go too extreme right off the bat. Starting small will lead to larger changes that may cause a ripple effect and work their way into other facets of your life

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About admin

Jaishri is a working mom and the founder of mommyswall. She is also a certified Yoga instructor and believes in Natural living. This Blog is a contribution of lovely moms and dads around the world.
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