Improving Your Child’s Speaking Abilities – Why Parents are So Important


All children develop their communication abilities at their own speed. From crying, to babbling, to basic word structures and finally more complex language, each child follows their own timeline on their path to becoming an effective speaker.

 However, oftentimes children don’t hit speech and language milestones appropriate for their age. Maybe they’re experiencing a delay in speech development compared to similarly aged children, or perhaps they don’t respond with language or gestures when you point, or ask them a question, or say their name.

 This may be a sign that your child has a speech and language disorder. It can be worrisome for parents, many of whom don’t know whether they’re child is just a late-bloomer, or if they have a more serious problem that could continue into school-age years and even adulthood.

 As speech and language issues can affect children’s academic, social, and emotional development, it’s imperative that you speak with your doctor if you have any concerns. In many cases, they may recommend that your child sees a speech-language pathologist, which are the most qualified professionals to evaluate, diagnosis and treat speech and language disorders.

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However, this doesn’t mean your work is done.


Regardless of your child’s condition, or whether their issues are minor or more severe, parents are critical in helping their children make progress towards their communication goals.


Think about it: learning speech and language skills is just like learning anything else. Mastering a new instrument, for example, takes practice, persistence, and patience. Sure, you’ll learn a few new scales and chords if you only attend your weekly lessons, but those serious about improving continue to practice and reinforce new techniques at home. Speech therapy is the same way.


That’s why parents and guardians are so essential. Research has shown that when parents are actively involved in helping their child develop their speech and language skills, children make considerably more progress towards their goals.


Why Parents Are so Important


From electricians to mechanics, we rely on highly-trained specialists to fix our problems. However, speech therapy doesn’t work the same way. We need to be active collaborators with our speech therapists, helping to apply the lessons and techniques they teach into our child’s daily life.


Below are a few reasons why parental engagement is so important:

      No one Knows Their Child Better: If speech therapists bring clinical recommendations and treatment to the table, then parents bring expertise on the child. While speech therapists will do everything to understand a child’s needs, struggles, and preferred learning styles, they’ll never replace a parent’s intuitive connection with their child. You know your child’s personality and temperament best – which makes you the ideal teacher!


      Every Moment is a Learning Moment: It’s tempting to think that speech and language therapy happens in a classroom or specialized clinic. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Teaching your child critical developmental skills doesn’t require a desk or chair or even materials! In fact, practicing speech therapy skills can happen during bath-time, play-time, trips to the grocery store, the dinner table – you name it!


      Comforting Environment: Many children learn best in an environment they’re most comfortable. Working with your child at home is a familiar and stress-free way to put the skills they learned in therapy into practice.


      Speaking With Those That Matter: Children learn to use language by speaking and communicating with the ones they love. When children see a therapist, they gain valuable education, but when they communicate with you during everyday activities, they’re able to put that knowledge into practice.

Simple Ways to Engage and Educate Your Child

Arming yourself with knowledge, resources, and skills is important to help reinforce speech therapy practices at home. Depending on your child’s diagnosis and treatment plan, these strategies will vary. However, here are a few suggestions that make it easy for parents to get involved in a way that feels fun and natural.

      Flash Cards: If your child is having trouble pronouncing certain sounds, syllables, or phrases, try building flashcards. This can be a fun method to get kids to practice areas they’re having trouble mastering. When they say a word correctly, find ways to praise and reward them, such as offering your child a tasty treat.


      Narrate Your Daily Life: Simply narrating your life can help introduce children to language and make connections to the world around them. Parents can sing in the car, describe what you’re cooking, or speak out loud about what’s happening on the television


      Reading Books: There’s no greater gift you can give a child than the love of reading. Reading out loud with your child, ask them thought-provoking questions, and encourage them to repeat after you. You can read more about making reading fun and engaging for children here.

      Fun, At-Home Exercises:  Just as putting cheese on broccoli helps kids consume their vegetables (it works for me!), engaging activities can make the practice of repetition, corrections, and cues more enjoyable. Fortunately, there are many valuable blogs and resources out there that I regularly turn to for help. Some of these include the ASHA, Home Speech Home, and Mommy Speech Therapy.

      Recording Videos: I created an instructional YouTube series with a range of videos that teach parents common techniques to improve their child’s language development. These videos provide helpful tips and strategies for making speech therapy a natural part of everyday life, and cover topics such as: Modeling Words, Joint Attention, Using Choices, Reading to Toddlers, and Teaching Children How to Take Turns

About Leanne Sherred, M.S. CCC-SLP:
Leanne calls Austin, Texas home but studied Speech and Hearing Sciences at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and gained her Master’s in Speech-language pathology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She has worked in pediatric outpatient clinics, schools, early intervention, and home health. Leanne is currently the President and Founder of Expressable, an online speech therapy company that envisions a modern and affordable way for anyone who needs speech therapy to access these vital services. You can check out her blog here.

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Parenting is not easy ….Its full time job!!



By Shilpi Ohri

Parenting is the easiest thing I think No parent has ever said that. Believe me its a tuffest job on the earth. Only a ‘STAY AT HOME MUM’ can tell you what Parenting is exactly, And that too without a helper or a maid.

Let no one ever tell you that parenting is not the scariest, yet most supremely satisfying gig you will ever have in your life!

We all adapt to parenting in our different styles, but once we become parents we are all just on tenterhooks, looking around and thinking-what happens next? It’s a series of trial and error from the moment a baby is brought home from the hospital.

There are so many questions playing in  the minds of young parents- why is my baby crying, has my baby had enough to eat, is his or her tummy full, maybe he/she has gas? Or colic? When will he/she sleep?

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Then you move onto the next phase of your baby’s journey into toddler hood and think-Oh no, what went into his mouth now? Oh My God! she just bumped her head! Baby please don’t touch that. Noooo…don’t eat that. In between all these there are laughs, tickles, giggles and miles of smiles.

Every parent, in the first few months of parenting, goes through a phase of lying in bed and thinking- Do I even have a clue of what I am doing? Well yes, you do. There’s no one better to raise your child than you, and you’re doing a great job!

Time does start flying very soon. Days into months and months into years, you have very little idea as to where the year went by. In my own experience, from the slow and leisurely times spent with my kids in their first year to the whirlwind that was their second year, time has flown by at a pace that has surprised me to the core!

All moms who have embraced motherhood much before me and are now parenting teenagers warn me that teenage years are the most difficult, most trying years that they have ever faced till this point. And yes, I believe them wholeheartedly.

My kids are big on cuddles and kisses, and I love that as a mommy. They want hugs and kisses and snuggle time when we read stories. They want to tell me in their baby gibberish all they did from the time they woke up till they hit the bed. They want me to know everything about them, their friends, their favourite food, and their mannerisms. I can keep track of them ALL THE TIME.

The very thought of me not knowing where they are and wondering who they are with is terrifying. I sometimes catch my kids flipping through their picture books and making art out of play dough and wonder, why can’t it be like this forever? Why do things have to change? I want to stay in this little bubble forever, is it possible?

No, of course it’s NOT- that screaming voice of reality jolts me hard. The reality is that I have to let them go out in the world by themselves. The reality is that I have to let them find themselves, turn into the individuals they WANT to be.

The reality is that I have to allow them to try things on their own from now.

I know that change is inevitable, and the distance between me and my kids will change with each passing year. I just hope that it happens at a pace that we are all comfortable with, not too soon for me and not too late for them.

Me and my husband are determined to raise our two kids into a good human being who will take the best decisions that will make the world a better place. We will try our best to raise our kids who treat everyone they meet with love and respect. We will try our level best to be the best parents.

Days may be long now but the years….the years will pass by in a blink. Parenting is not easy. But then. No one ever said it would be.

Thanks for reading!

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10 Common Mistakes New Parents May Make– And How to Avoid Them


By Natasha Mathew

Holding your bundle of joy brings with it an armful of mixed emotions. Wonder and amazement, joy and love are also coupled with confusion and anxiety of how best to care for your baby. Every child and parent is unique and no single rule book can be applied to all. Here are a few common pitfalls that new parents can watch out for.

1.             Believing everything that you hear – Experienced relatives, friends and acquaintances are ready and willing to share parent-tested tips on how best to raise your baby. Acknowledge their care and concern and equip yourself with the information. What will work for your baby is something you will have to trust your gut for. Remember, your intuition is the best judge. For medical queries, do not hesitate to ask your paediatrician.

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2.             Panicking over everything– Parents may end up spending sleepless nights worrying about what can go wrong with their baby. Not burping enough after feeding, crying too much and sleep patterns can give new parents a headache. While it is extremely important to be fully aware of what is going on with the baby, we need to remember that babies are extremely resilient and most of these issues are completely normal.It is a good idea to take a deep breath, think logically and consult an expert if it still feels like an issue that needs more serious attention. Of course, some babies may have real health challenges that cannot be taken lightly.


3.             Comparing Growth MilestonesInfant development stages chart average physical, cognitive or verbal skills that babies usually reach by a certain age. As months pass by and parents take the baby for health checks and visits to the park, there is a tendency to compare. Physical developments like a baby beginning to sit up or crawl, getting their first teeth, sleeping through the night or getting potty trained vary for each child. Every baby is unique and has a different growth cycle. Minor delays in reaching a certain marker are fine if your child lies within an acceptable range. Any aberrations can be discussed with the paediatrician on your next health check appointment.


4.             Giving up ‘Me’ time–Most mothers end up spending every waking hour taking care of the baby. Between feeds, massages and numerous changes, ‘me’ time may seem like a dream, but even 30 minutes can work wonders. Try and get some sleep whenever you can. Do what you like; it could be a relaxing bath, a walk in the park, yoga, or even a quiet cup of coffee.


5.             Not asking for help–Consider seekinghelp in activities that may not need your presence.Your partner and grandparents will be very happy to play with the little one while you do something else. From running the bath, changing diapers and preparing formula to reading and playing with the baby, taking care of the baby is a wonderful way for the father and child to bond. Do not hesitate; they say it takes a village to raise a child!


6.             Staying holed up inside – Parents tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to their precious baby. While a baby’s immune system is developing in the first few months, getting fresh air and adequate sunshine for Vitamin-D is extremely important. A leisurely stroll in the park or driving around in the car will bring new and amazing experiences for the little one.


7.             Buying too many things – Planning what to buy for the baby begins with the news of its impending arrival and the urge to buy absolutely everything is strong. The truth is that babies spend most of the time in onesies and outgrow clothes every few months. So go easy on the wardrobe shopping and complicated toys, as that is best left for a few months down the line.


8.             Putting your relationship on the back burner – With their new role as parents, couple often forget that they are also partners in this journey. It is important to connect with each other on issues other than the baby, consciously making time for each other. Go for a walk together, or reserve some time to setup a dinner date once the baby is tucked in for the night.


9.             Ignoring the older sibling–Second time parents are usually better prepared to handle the new-born as they can rely on prior experience. During this time, it is very important to ensure that the older sibling does not suddenly get sidelined. Let them help in simple tasks like fetching diapers and creams, singing and talking to the baby to cement a bond that will last a lifetime.


10.         Not enjoying the moment – Parenthood is a joyous moment, the culmination of a dream that has been nine months in the making. By spending hours worrying about how to be the best parent, you could risk missing the present. Keep a journal, take pictures and enjoy the simple joys of your baby’s growth. Enjoy the journey and create memories that you will relive for years.


Author Bio: Natasha Mathew is part of the content development team at KinderPass, and creates content to empower parents so that they can actively contribute to the development of their 0-5-year-olds. As a mother of two, Nathasha writes from her experiences, struggles, and learnings as a parent. In her free time, you can find her doing meal-prep and cooking healthy meals with her kids. She is also an art & craft ninja and an origami fanatic.

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How To Make Your House A Home

By – Sue Reyes


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Let’s face it, if you could, you’d stay forever in your Tagaytay luxury home, and never leave. But if you’re the type of person who has a luxury vacation home and only has been there a couple of times since work has been demanding, then a good weekend off is well deserved. But you want it somewhere that feels a little more familiar, close, and homey, so here’s a few tips on how to make your house feel more like a home.

One of the first things you should do is make the most of every inch of your house. Use your facilities, because it will give that well-lived in feel. Cook in your kitchen, let your children play in the living room, eat on that beautiful wood table in your dining room, fill your bookshelves with loved books–all of these will give your house a warm kind of feel.

Invite people to your house. It doesn’t matter if “it’s not done yet.” Enjoy having friends and family in your space, host parties, enjoy a quiet dinner with your family, or a loud get together with friends you haven’t seen in while. Don’t make your house look perfect like a hotel. A perfect house is too staged, too fake. You don’t want a perfect, immaculate looking hotel room for a home–it’s going to make you feel disconnected. Love your imperfect home.

Make some noise! Listen to music! Fill your house with whatever kind of genre you want. Slow dance with your spouse, go crazy with your children, or with friends with a couple of drinks. Filling your house with music together with family and friends is just like filling it with memories.

sue people

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Or quiet down. When all the bustle of the day has toned down, everybody is tired and sleeping, or reading a book, or keeping to themselves with a few episodes of their favorite shows, you can take a deep breath, and enjoy the blissful peace and silence of your home.

Be in your home. Not just you yourself as a person, but your physical presence such as leaving your unfinished books on the sofa in the living room, your indoor slippers near the coat closet, or your laptop and organic k cups in the office with a few pieces of paper strewn around, your towel of the week hung on the towel rack in your bathroom, the toys in the living room and in the hallway, or your spouse’s morning routine sprawled out in the bathroom. The mess you and your family leaves in the house represents them. Be in your home.

Create rituals. Movie nights on Fridays, and game nights on Saturdays, a quiet holy weekend with your family. Keep your traditions going, make more memories, and look forward to making more.

Cook food! Unless you’ve cooked in your house, it’s not a home. Nothing beats the smell of your favorite dish coming from the kitchen, or the warm, safe, welcoming scent of cookies being baked. Every home cooked meal nourishes not just your body, but also your soul.

About the Blogger:

Sue Reyes is a former writer for CNN Philippines and Aspiring Fashion Blogger

Follow her on twitter: @suereyesfashion 

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5 Must Check Websites To Shop For Baby Fashion


Ever since e-commerce has facilitated online shopping websites… baby shopping has become a cakewalk, for parents…Especially for the mothers who have too many things to do in a very little time.

As parents, we wish to get everything done, in absolutely best way possible to us, for our kids. And I must say Baby & kids shopping has not remained untouched by it.

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Nowadays, anything & everything a parent may need to shop for their child is just a click away. There is bountiful variety available, of each & everything on the online shopping websites , hence mothers are spoilt for choice. The online shopping websites offer various payment options, free shipping, easy returning.

Hence, in all we have a convenient & hassle free shopping experience that too from the comforts of our homes.

These are the 5 websites you must check to shop for baby fashion.

Amazon India

Amazon is very popular & very widely used e-commerce website all over the world. Amazon has widest range of kids Fashion in India that too on best price. Amazon Prime membership offers you many benefits, which will make shopping enjoyable. Amazon shop now has the settings through which we can change the country from which we wish to buy. Hence we can shop for products all around the world.


Firstcry, is the Asia’s largest online portal for Baby products, toys, breastfeeding, baby furniture, baby care, kids & mother fashion. They have all the top International as well as Indian brands. Firstcry has good offers on shoes, clothes, toys, in all everything like 30% off with 30% cashback, upto 40% off, etc.


Hopscotch is the e- commerce portal, which offers daily findings of baby products as well as top international brands.The products on Hopscotch are priced little bit on higher end, but the designs & quality of the products are unique.Hopscotch is mostly a boutique-based website, where you can easily get high end designer fashion products.


Myntra, is online shopping site for fashion & lifestyle in India. It is best online fashion shopping destination for Men, Women & kids. It also provides lifestyle products.

Baby Couture

It is the online infant clothing boutique. They are makers of elite baby garments. Baby couture is for those parents who want to swaddle their babies in something nonconventional, which makes it among the very few in the marketplace.

As far as I am concerned, I started shopping online for kid’s stuff, right after my first baby was born. That was three years ago. But it was mainly for the baby items, which were in offer online, but were not discounted otherwise. For example diapers, toys etc.

But now being a mother of two little champs, it is rather difficult to go out for shopping especially kids shopping. As the kids grow out of their sizes so fast, kids shopping in our family is like a regular thing.

Recently, I bought my elder son, a pair of new shoes. I have noticed that, all the online websites provide good offers on shoes.

So what I do is, whenever I visit mall or any other shopping center I have a look in kids section. I take note of shoe size of my boys  & all the possible options available.

Then I check online websites for offers on shoes. My personal favourites for kid’s shoes is Bubblegummers, kittens & Cute Walk by Babyhug .

And finally I purchased shoes from the website that provided comparatively good offers on shoes.

So next time when you gals, are off to shopping for kids online, do visit these sites….


Happy Parenting!

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Summer Clothes For Kids

baby girl

By Admin,

When choosing summer clothing everyone’s preference is to go with cotton. It is breathable and comfortable to wear. Fibres often have the disadvantage that begin to smell bad. There’s a reason your summer wardrobe consists of so many cotton dresses, shirts and flared skirts. Cotton is a natural fibre which allows air to circulate and move freely through the fabric, ensuring airflow that dries out damp areas of the body. A good quality lightweight cotton also absorbs moisture and comes in a variety of styles and colors.

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Children wear in the summer – just as with us, the adults, it comes to loose-fitting shirts and skinny pants for boys and girls. During the hot summer days, girls prefer light skirts and tops with thin straps. In addition, airy summer dresses also are suitable for higher temperatures – over 25 degrees.


When it comes to dressing your baby, its fun to dress little baby in cute summer dresses. While babies look cute and adorable in those summer dresses, you must have a foresight to take precautionary measures to beat the heat. You have to keep your baby cool and comfortable and keep her/him away from the summer heat. When you plan to dress your baby during summers, always think what makes you comfortable. Think of some cool and breathable fabrics that will keep your baby sweat free and comfortable. Babies can’t handle heat. Keep them comfortable and cool. If you are wearing t-shirts and shorts, plan something similar for your baby too. Whether you are looking for summer infant clothes or holiday wear kids summer clothes promise ease of wearing and comfort for your child.


A cute addition to your baby’s style, make a statement with this adorable race car romper in organic cotton. Made keeping the baby’s sensitive skin in mind, this romper is comfortable, allows mobility, and is hypoallergenic. The wide bottom area helps accommodate diapers easily and foot coverings protect your baby’s feet and make them feel cozy. Perfect for everyday wear.

Cute summer dresses:


Dress up young boys in summer clothing in vibrant prints and loose fittings which are ideal for this season. You can select from rompers to baby suits to shorts for this season. T-shirts are one of the most convenient and cool summer apparel for young kids in India, they come in various colors, styles, patterns and prints for your children and match them up with various kinds of lowers ranging from shorts to skirts to pajamas to jeans to keep your infant easy and happy on a hot summer day. Smart shorts or denim shorts in different prints for children are the best choice of summer clothing for kids.

Further, do not forget to add smart caps to your infant’s closet for the summer season. This is an important accessory to cover his eyes, face and head from harsh sunrays. These fashionable hats and caps promise a completely unique and stylish look to your little baby

Dressing up girls is always fun and gorgeous sundress makes them all the more interesting. These sundresses are perfect summer vacation dresses for young little girls. They come with comfortable straps and simple necklines to ensure a pretty look for beautiful princesses

@1st AIM Productions #9312409504

To complete the summer wardrobe of your child, add a few pairs of pajamas in soothing summery prints. There are just perfect for a relaxed summer day and also promise a comfortable sleep at night.

Plan to dress your baby:


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5 Tips to Get Kids to Listen and Follow Instructions

Description: Teaching kids to listen to you and follow instructions will save you both a lot of frustration! We’ve compiled a list of our top five favorite tips on how to make them hear what you are trying to say. Read more in the full post!

When teaching kids following instructions, the first and most important thing they need to grasp is how to be focused. But it can be pretty hard, especially for unprepared parents. As frustrating as it is, it often isn’t the child’s fault. So how can you teach your kids to consider your opinion the first time you tell them? We’ve compiled our top five tips for teaching kids to listen and understand instructions.

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Get Their Attention


There’s no point talking at your child; you have to talk to them. Make sure you have their attention before you even start speaking. Calling their name, making eye contact, or asking them to stop what they are doing should do the trick!


Number the Steps

To make it easier for kids to remember their instructions, number them. For example, first — brush your teeth, second — wash your face, third — put on your pajamas.  This is particularly useful in educating how to do chores, and in turn, teaching kids responsibility.

Give Visual Cues

Not only is this more fun, but it also helps them to remember. For example, creating a chore wheel, morning and bedtime routine is great for teaching kids what is expected of him/her.


Keep Explanations Simple While Teaching Kids

If the child understands why they are doing something, they are more likely to remember to do it on their own later on. For example, the baby’s things need to be kept clean. Or suggest to pick up the baby products and put them in the box. This is a great method of teaching kids about safety too!

Give Them Time to Process and Then Check for Understanding

Once you have given them an instruction, let your children process it for a minute and then check whether they got your point by asking them to repeat it back to you. It’s an excellent option to use when exercising the skills, such as teaching kids to tell time, as it shows you if they do or don’t understand.

One final tip: turn following instructions into a game — this way, they practice listening and obedience in an enjoyable way. One common example is ‘Simon Says.’

Which tip are you going to try first? Give these tricks a try next time you are speaking to your child and let us know the results in the comments below!


Amalia Liberman is a wife and a mother of two as well as a novelist and writer, the author has been featured in Women’s Health magazine and also written different articles in lifestyle magazines. Her passions lead her to search out knowledge with all her searching and she doesn’t mind sharing her findings.

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Childbirth Pictures: Capturing Your Child’s First Moments of Life

Childbirth Pictures Capturing Your Child's First Moments of Life

By Admin,

In a world of smartphone cameras, capturing the most important milestones in life has never been easier. As parents, we tend to be particularly snap-happy when it comes to our children.

On average, a parent will take tens of thousands of photos of their child in the first few years of their life, while sharing an average of 1500 of those photos with friends and family online.

Such cornucopias of content often include the classics, such as the first steps, early words, the first trip to Disneyland. However, one important thing that is often missing is childbirth pictures.

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The birth of your child is one of the most emotional, complicated, and spiritual experiences you will ever go through. Creating a lasting record of the experience can offer you and your family so much. Here’s how. 

1. Childbirth Pictures Remind You of the Positive

While childbirth is a profoundly beautiful experience, it is also one of the most painful a woman can go through.

This helps to explain why a large and growing number of people say that their experience with childbirth has deterred them from having another child.

However, powerful and tasteful pictures of labor and delivery can remind you of the positives of the birthing process, and why it is always worth it. 

2. Childbirth Pictures Document Your Strength

It would be wrong to describe childbirth as merely as something painful that mothers must endure.

Bringing life into the world is an incredible act of strength and resilience that is a testament to what women as capable of.

If you want to look back on a time in your life where you showed truly superhuman strength, then hiring a skilled and experience Newborn Photographer to capture the moment is exactly what you need.  

3. Childbirth Pictures Are An Authentic Record 

A childbirth photo can be a meaningful memento in more ways than one. Crucially, documenting the birth of your child can provide you with an authentic, raw record of an incredibly important moment in your life.

Childbirth brings out the best in all of us, as it allows us to tap into emotions and feelings we didn’t even know existed.

Instead of glossing over all of that, hire a childbirth photographer to ensure that every moment is captured for posterity. 

4. Childbirth Pictures Bring Focus to the Mother

In the early stages of a child’s life, the mother can often be pushed to the side when it comes to documenting the experience.

If you want your children to see exactly what they mean to you, and what you went through to bring them into the world, then childbirth photos are an effective way to do so. 

5. Childbirth Pictures Are Beautiful 

Finally, it absolutely bears repeating that the process of childbirth is a beautiful, life-changing, and truly unforgettable experience.

Despite all of the nitty-gritty, childbirth is, at its core, a beautiful thing, as it is the process of life itself.

Why wouldn’t you want to capture your experience of this beautiful process? A childbirth photographer will ensure that you have a permanent record of the beauty of childbirth. 

Learn More 

Childbirth pictures are just one of the crucial things to consider when you are in late pregnancy. To learn more about what you need to think about, you can consult our detailed Pregnancy guides for all of the information you could ever need.

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Everything You Need to Know About Newborn Hearing Tests

Everything You Need to Know About Newborn Hearing Tests

By Admin,

Close to 400,000 babies are born each day in the United States. 

Along with deciding a nursery theme, choosing pediatrician, and planning for that newborn photoshoot, there are other things you should know about having a newborn, like newborn hearing tests.

Do you know everything you need to know about newborn hearing tests?  Here are some of the most important things you need to be aware of during a hearing test for newborns. 

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1. When and Why

Once babies are born, they need to be screened to make sure they’re healthy. One part of that ensures their hearing is normal. The earlier any hearing problems are detected, the sooner they can be treated. 

A newborn hearing test is typically done in the hospital before the family goes home. If there are problems, the staff will alert you of what’s going on and may order additional testing done by an audiologist

If your baby does not have a hearing test in a hospital, they should have one by the time they are one month old. 

2. Types of Newborn Hearing Tests

There are a few different hearing tests for newborns that are conducted. The type of testing that’s used is largely dependant on that state where you live. 

The first test is called the auditory brainstem response or the ABR. During this test, soft headphones are placed in the baby’s ears to watch areas of the brain that detect sound. Doctors can take a peek at the brain activity by electrodes softly placed on the newborn’s head. 

The second type of test is called the Otoacoustic Emissions Test or OET. The OET measures whether or not an echo is heard in the ear. It’s similar to the first one, in which probes are gently placed in the baby’s ears, soft sounds are played, and doctors search for an echo. 

Most babies stay asleep during the entire test!

3. Post-Testing

In general, most babies pass the newborn hearing test, but in the case that they do not, further testing is required to find out the extent of the hearing loss and what needs to be done about it.

However, not passing the hearing test does not mean that your baby has any hearing loss. Other factors include a noisy environment, movement, earbuds not fitting, or fluid in the ears. 

If your baby fails the hearing test, they will need to be tested again before they are three months old. If there is hearing loss, a specialist will work with you to determine a method of treatment.

Preferably, treatment should begin no less than six months of age to ensure that the child has the skills they need to learn and communicate with others. 

Newborn Hearing Tests

When you think about newborn hearing tests, most parents worry, but many times there’s nothing to be concerned about. Most babies do just fine, and if they do not, there are knowledgable medical professionals that are on your side to help your baby hear wonderfully. 

Are you looking for more newborn tips? Visit our page today to learn more!

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Customized Personalized Jewlery From Souhoney


By Admin,

Customization is a special gift of choice, such a best friend bracelet & sister bracelets for 2 will become the only one in the world, make this charm bracelets with 2 heart pendant , charm bracelets for women, cuff bangle for women ,friendship rings, BFF best friend bracelet for 2, personalized bangle bracelet with names become a good memory on Mother’s day gift , Wedding gift, Christmas gift, Graduation gift, Birthday gift

Souhoney with one simple goal of selling customized jewelry online . They carefully curate just a few unique pieces perfectly suited for everyone. Souhoney focus on items that will get you excited about shopping again because buying online should be fun.

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You can Engraving text on this custom bangle bracelets for women & name bracelet personalized,
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Let’s Go Away, Together: How to Plan a Family Vacation

Let's Go Away Together How to Plan a Family Vacation

By Admin,

Generation after generation, the annual family getaway is a top priority for families the world over. Whether it’s a cross-country meeting or a global expedition, nothing quite beats the anticipation of a family vacation. 

This being said, family trips take plenty of planning and logistics. So, if you’re looking for a little help on how to plan a family vacation, check out the rest of this blog for more. 

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6 Tips on How to Plan a Family Vacation to Suit Everyone 

Organizing a family getaway that includes multiple generations of family members is no simple feat. No doubt everyone has their own set of likes, hobbies, and preferences. 

But your vacation planning doesn’t have to be shrouded by hard work and frustration. Start your planning with these 6 tips: 

1. Choose a Destination That Suits Everyone 

This is probably one of the most challenging aspects of planning a family getaway. So, it’s wise to get this decision out of the way, first. As a general rule-of-thumb, choose a central meeting point that’s convenient for everyone. 

Choose a destination that means you all meet in the middle, i.e. you have an equal amount of distance to travel between you all. 

2. Clearly and Openly Communicate Vacation Options 

If you’re in charge of vacation planning you don’t need to take on the brunt of the decision-making alone. In fact, you shouldn’t have to.

Send out clear communication to each family member about vacation options and allow them to collectively decide on a destination. The same goes for vacation activities and accommodation options. 

By communicating openly, you can get a good idea of everyone’s preferences, travel budget, and timeline. 

3. Book Accommodation to Suit Your Family Unit 

The point of a family vacation is to spend quality time together. While a hotel room may feel super luxurious, this could defeat the point of coming together for quality time. Look into booking a space where you can stay together, eat meals together, and plan activities. This way you have the chance to bond more. 

4. Include an Activity That Suits Every Family Member 

In order to keep each family member happy, try to plan your outings according to what each family member enjoys most. You might not have time to do it all, but try to cover general interests where possible.

Whether it’s visiting Osaka Legoland, Disneyland Paris, or the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, try to cover at least one activity per family member.  

5. Prioritize At Least One Family Activity 

In order to make your family vacation all-the-more special and memorable, try to plan one special family activity that you can all do together. This is a chance to create memories that you can look back on and laugh, cry, or reminisce. 

Also, try to plan your mealtimes so that at least one main meal is shared together, whether its breakfast, lunch, or dinner. 

6. Remember to Be Flexible 

It’s important to keep in mind that vacation planning does not always go off without a hitch. There will always be some hiccups along the way.

Remember to relax and be flexible when this happens. This is especially important if family members are traveling with young children or babies! 

Support For New Moms and More Just a Click Away 

If you’re looking forward to a family getaway in the near future, we hope this blog on how to plan a family vacation has been helpful. 

Whether you’re a new mom or mom-to-be, check out the rest of this blog for all the mommy tips you’re looking for. We offer advice on all things baby care, baby food, breastfeeding, pregnancy, mommy care, and more

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What is Podcasting

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By Admin,

Technology always has a heavy impact on our day today life , and Podcasting is no different.Podcasting offers the opportunity for lecturers or any technical content to easily broadcast engaging audio content, which users can then listen to at any time and wherever they are. Especially during these times when attending to Schools or colleges are challenging, many learning institutions are investing in technology enhanced learning.

All you need to do is to subscribe to a podcast feed and suddenly you can push content , rather than wait for them to come. Podcasts can easily be used in Schools, universities or colleges to engage students, and improve your teaching and learning practice. This makes podcasts very convenient and also paves the way for truly flexible learning.

One of the greatest advantages of podcasts is the portability and convenience they offer. You can be download to a mobile device, and access the content anytime, anywhere, with very little effort.You could also create an audio station of your interests like Sports, Movies, Food, etc. and broadcast your voice.

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There are a lot of advantages of podcasting in education: One of the greatest advantages of education podcasts is the portability and convenience they offer, students will listen for longer that they’ll watch video or read . Further students can create their own content and promote among their classmates , encouraging in an healthy discussions .When preparing for an upcoming examinations students can use the podcast for reference purposes to understand the topic at their own pace.

One such platform that allows you to experience best educational podcasts . They bring together the very best of online audio while providing audio creators a place to publish their voice. With nearly the entire world under some kind of lockdown or quarantine due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, it’s no wonder that so many people feel disconnected and even depressed This is where the best podcasts about travel come in. This is a travel podcast all about living life to its fullest while traveling.

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