5 Ways to Help your Child Sleep Better

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By June,

Adequate sleep is important for a healthy body and mind. A healthy sleeping pattern is particularly important to infants whose growth and development depends directly on the quality of sleep they get. Adequate sleep for the baby is not only beneficial to the child but also to the whole family. A child that is sleep deprived results in the mother or whoever is taking care of the child also being sleep deprived. A well-rested child is a much happier person and a much more pleasant person to be around. This applies even for adults. When is anyone sleep-deprived ever pleasant to be around? This article looks at the best way to make sure that your child gets the adequate quality sleep that the child needs. The techniques shown here will work for anyone not only for children.

sleepy child

Sleep deprivation is known to contribute to different health problems, inability to focus and also causes difficulty in learning. Sleep is key to our mental health which is very important in children as that is when the most mental development happens. Studies show that individuals who did not enjoy adequate sleep in their childhood went on to experience problems with sleep in their adult years. This shows that it is extremely important for a child to get consistent good night’s sleep every night, for the sake of their health and happiness later in life. It cannot be overstated how important getting adequate quality sleep is for a child.

A peaceful night is important for a good night’s sleep to be possible. Noise is one of the leading causes of poor sleep especially in children. Every mother knows how horrible it is to have your child wake up in the middle of the night. Soundproofing the nursery is a great way of making sure your child gets that great night’s sleep. Most hospitals have their nurseries fitted with soundproof windows and doors and this is to help the children sleep.

It may not be possible to provide a completely quiet environment for your child but you will still need to shield them from the noises of the outside world. The use of white noise which sounds like whooshing air, is ideal to create that peaceful environment. The relaxing sounds slowly rock the child to a deep relaxing sleep while at the same time shielding them from disruptive sounds in the environment. They are the best also when it comes to soothing a crying baby. Infants seem to love these sounds. They react almost immediately they hear the sounds by calming down, even if they were crying, the sounds seem to instantly calm them down and put them in a relaxed mood that usually leads to them enjoying a peaceful relaxing healthy sleep.

Best Baby White Noise Machines

In this time of technology and social media, electronic devices have become a big part of our children’s lives. Being always around these devices has been shown to have negative effects on one’s health. Studies have shown that the blue light emitted by the electronic device’s screens interrupts sleep patterns by affecting the production of the sleeping hormone in the brain. Having these electronic devices in their rooms is detrimental to their sleep because they will spend more time on these devices, time which the child should have been spending asleep. The devices also cause interruptions as the child sleeps leading to poor sleep quality.

Physical exercise during the day is not only good for keeping fit and maintaining good health but it is also known through studies that a child that is physically active during the day, falls asleep faster and sleeps longer than the child that remains idle all day. Physical activity is beneficial to the overall health and well-being of the child as it makes the heart healthy and maintains fitness.

Another way of helping your child get adequate sleep is by making sure that before going to sleep, they have a calming routine involving quiet relaxing activities like taking a bath, or reading. This will allow them to unplug from their screens and the online world and allow them to unwind before going to bed. This has been shown to reduce anxiety and cause people to be more calm and relaxed.

Meditation is a great tool and is very beneficial to one’s mental health. Simple meditation techniques like focusing on your breath, can have a great effect on your quality of sleep simply because you are more relaxed before you sleep. Guided meditation programs are the best for starters. Introducing your children to meditation will help your young ones to relax more and fall asleep faster and for longer. Becoming healthier and happier people.

It is important to note that children emulate their parents’ behaviour and that the best way to have your children take up these healthy habits is by taking them up yourselves and why not? Following these rules and routines will improve your mental and physical health and make you a happier and consequently better person.

Images Sourced from Pixabay

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