Top 10 Advices for New Moms

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bondingHi Guys,

Im also new mom, but I find myself in a much better position than how I was before 7 months. There were so many questions which used to trouble me, so here is my list of advices:

Healing- Pregnancy is a complicated process and at the end of it you have produced another human being, so definately its not something that is easy.  So be it C section or normal delivery, if you had sutures, it will take time to heal. It will be difficult to sit, stand, pee, bend. But you will be fine in 3 weeks for normal delivery and C section, it takes 4 weeks for all the aches and pains to fade, around 6 weeks you will be much better. But the back pain lasts for a while till you build strength on your back. Menstrual bleeding will stop in 6 weeks.

Breastfeeding– Do read my next post on an interview with La Leche League leader for some cues. Breastfeeding definitely takes time for you and your baby to get in sync. With the baby’s unstable neck it makes it even more difficult. But remember your not alone. And do get yourself a maternity pillow.

Baby Sleep- Oh my God. Yes everyone goes through this, we have a tiring and aching body and a baby who does not sleep. You have no option really don’t force your baby to sleep. That’s not his or her sleep time in the womb and they don’t know the difference between night and day. So best would be sip a cup of coffee or tea and stay awake. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Your baby will sleep through the night from the 4th month.

Colic– Babies either have colic problem or they don’t. But if they are colicky don’t hesitate to give then colic drops it immediately relieves their pain. Or give them gripe water or try home remedies. Do check with your doctor beforehand. Don’t make them go through the pain. They are more colicky during the evening so try to feed a lot during the evenings, dont keep their stomach empty. And this will disappear again in the fourth month.

Weight Issues- I thought its over Im never going to get back in shape. But don’t get discouraged by others teasing you, the same people who encouraged you to eat during pregnancy will stare at your plate now and ask you to stop eating. Same rule again don’t overeat, watch what you eat. Eat food that increases lactation and not a lot of food. You will start losing weight after your baby turns 6 months, till then be patient.

Im stuck at home– Its not safe to travel a lot without your babies vaccination shots, so be sure to finish off at-least the 3 months dosage before taking your baby out too much.

Baby milestones– Not all babies are same, its ok if your baby does not reach his milestone as nowadays most babies are brought up in a protected environment and are a little slow. I never put my baby on the ground so it took her time to turn.  So don’t compare your baby with other except for extreme cases.

Advice from everywhere– You will have advices from everywhere, some which you like and most which is too old and outdated. Just bear through those. Sorry bear with me too.

Doctor is your best friend– Bug your doctor, look through all the websites on the net, read books, make sure your doing everything right. After all you want to do the best for your baby right and they are too precious and delicate. But always consult your Pediatrician, find a friendly pediatrician. Keep a notebook with you and write down all the questions that cross your mind and never fail to ask. No questions is a bad question.

With that my advice list is over, do ask any question that you feel like here at mommyswall. If I cant answer it myself Ill get it answered by more experienced moms and qualified professional. Take Care.

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