Keeping Your Kids Busy – Challenge Accepted

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By Fiona Greyson,

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Kids are so lovely and gentle when they keep calm and so annoying when being mischievous. They can make you laugh and drive you insane at the same time. Unless you want to lose your sanity, you should find a way to keep your children busy. If you have run out of ideas, check out this article.

Here we offer a few suggestions to keep your offspring engaged in an activity so you finally have some free time to housekeep or rest. Even though parenting is a 24/7 job, you still need to have a break every now and then. So here are the tips, read carefully.

Play outside

If it’s sunny, encourage your kids to play outside. Spending the afternoon kicking a soccer ball is a great activity that will develop their muscles and… keep them busy. When they get tired, they will feel drowsy and will cause fewer problems.

Perhaps your children will be eager to play hopscotch. You know, those rectangles with numbers that people jump on. This is a very popular game, with which you must have entertained yourself when you were little.

Jump rope is another great suggestion. As a whole, any game that requires physical activity is good for your offspring. Sport is essential for all human beings, especially for children.

Painting outside is better than inside for two reasons: no more painted walls and no more spills on the floor and anywhere else in the house. Take your children outside and make them draw paintings. For example, you can ask them to draw a picture of the scenery. You should not be afraid to give them acrylic and tempera paints. And since they are playing outside, they can paint rocks. Just make sure your pick smooth, round rocks, the size of a baseball.

Another funny activity that will keep your children engaged is digging warms. It is funny and time-consuming. Your kids will surely spend hours doing this.

Wash the coins

This is another great game that your children might love. You’ll need a bowl, some salt and vinegar. And dirty pennies, of course. Fill ¼ of the bowl with vinegar. Add some salt. Kosher salt is best to use in this case. Show your children how the game is played. Drop one penny into the bowl and stir. When you’re done, the penny will be shiny. If you want to really keep your kids busy with this game, you’d better find the dirties coins. To add to the excitement of the game, tell your children that they can keep a few of the pennies once they are done washing. This will stimulate them to work harder.

Engage your children in cleaning

From a very early age your kids should learn that it’s very important to keep things tidy and clean. If they tidy up their own mess, they will probably learn to make less clutter. So how can you persuade your children into cleaning their rooms? Turn cleaning into a game.

Tell your children that the first one to clean his/her room will get a candy. Or you can run a contest where every item on the floor should be picked up and placed back where it belongs. This is one of the best ways to make your kids gather all their toys and socks from the floor. But be careful, as they will be in a rush to clean the mess and win the game, they may make the mess bigger. Be sure to warn them that only a really clean and tidy room is what matters in the end.  In the end you may need to book tenancy cleaning procedure but you must take that risk.



About admin

Jaishri is a working mom and the founder of mommyswall. She is also a certified Yoga instructor and believes in Natural living. This Blog is a contribution of lovely moms and dads around the world.
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