Girls like to play with…

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By Emma Lawson,

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When the time comes for you to choose the gift for a little girl, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Barbie girl, faux makeup kit, sparkly little microphone set? Or is this particular girl one of those who like to play with cars and swords? Would you like to give her something that will make her think, or something she will learn from? Come to think of it, are toys for boys and girls that different at the early age?

The other side of dolls

It was noted that boys like to play more actively than girls while they are young, and that is one of the reasons why there are so many cars and trucks for boys and dolls for girls. But, when it comes to dolls, it was difficult to find the ones which are not pink or girly. One of the things you can do to change it, is create your own dolls, just like Rebecca Miller did. Superheroes are not just for boys, and there are girls who like Avengers as much as the next boy.

What you are surrounded with is important

Back in 2009, Gerianne Alexander, psychology professor at Texas A&M University, noted that testosterone levels in several months old baby boys was connected to the amount of time they spent looking at what is referred to “boys’ toys” – trucks, guns, and balls. This explains why boys who are born after the girls like to play with pink toys and dolls – they are used to it. Similarly, girls who are born second like to play with their brothers’ toys.

Never let me go…

Until they reach 7, children are usually really attached to their old favorite toys: worn out teddy bears, ancient baby blankets, stuffed animals, and big dolls. This is because they have put so much love into them that they believe these items posses some sort of magic. Children believe that these special pieces posses something no other item in the world can have. As time goes on, they will grow out of it, but until then, it is nice to know that they have something comforting and magical by their side.

Spark their interest

No matter if you have boys or girls, it is of utmost importance that you lit that creative spark in them and support their thirst for knowledge. Buy them chemistry kits, toys with a lot of parts that can be taken apart and put back together, encourage them to play Lego and dig around their backyard for interesting rocks and plants. Make them wonder about the depths of the ocean and stars in the sky, give them books about jungle, and distant parts of the world, teach them to sew and make tea… Have them understand that anything they like to play with is great as long as they have fun.

Eventually, it all comes to this: if your child likes it very much, why not let her play with it? Be it trains, swords, guns, Barbie dolls, stuffed animals, or play dough; it doesn’t matter as long as she loves it and is happy to play with it.

About admin

Jaishri is a working mom and the founder of mommyswall. She is also a certified Yoga instructor and believes in Natural living. This Blog is a contribution of lovely moms and dads around the world.
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