8 Important Benefits of Meditation during Pregnancy

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By Rita Singha,

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It’s that time of your life when you fail to understand how your mood can change in an instant. Cravings for food, hormonal changes that sometimes make you utterly happy or totally put you off all in an instant. Well, it’s known that there is no cure to stop this. It’s all a part of the package called pregnancy. Well, there are lots of things going on. You need to take care of your health, your baby’s health and nutrition as well as stay fit by exercise – it’s just so mentally exhausting. Well, it will only do you so much good if you could spend some time to relax and relieve yourself of the stress that all this causes.

One great way to relieve the stress is Meditation. You can get rid of the baby blues and find yourself rejuvenated and ready to face the world!

Benefits of Meditation are plenty:

  • It helps you deal with all those terrible mood swings. This also relaxes the stress caused to your loved ones due to your irrational behavior.
  • It helps you focus and concentrate on your inner self. This helps you relax and calms down anxiety is any.
  • It also brings you closer to your baby. It is a known fact that your feelings are reflected in the character of the baby. If you have been angry and stressed out throughout pregnancy, it will reflect later on when you watch your baby grow. Well, if you have been a happily pregnant woman, you’ll have a happy and cheerful baby too.

Here are a few tips you can follow:

  • When you meditate, you will require a well ventilated area of the house. It should be spacious and should not be stuffy.
  • The place you choose should be calm and not filled with disturbances and distractions.
  • You need to set a routine for the task. Each day, follow the same cycle and time for meditation. You can consider gradually increasing the time – initially start with half an hour.
  • After a heavy meal or some tiring activity, it is not advisable to meditate.
  • It’s a good idea to meditate to light, silent music.

When you meditate during pregnancy, everything flows more smoothly in your body. Blood circulation is improved and the nutrients and oxygen is better absorbed to support both you and your baby. Your mind becomes more relaxed and mentally you feel calm. You can emotionally bond with your baby and you will notice that this minor lifestyle change will create a positive impact on your pregnancy.

Not only that, if you continue meditation even after the baby arrives, it will help you to deal with a lot of emotional ups and downs post delivery. Especially depression that sets in due to sudden hormonal changes after the baby is born.

So, meditate, relax your mind, stay cheerful and strengthen the bond between you and your baby. Have a happy and harmonious pregnancy!

Author Bio:

Rita Singha is the founder of Rita’s Pregnancy 101 – Pregnancy & Childbirth Classes in Ahmedabad, Surat & ChandigarhChildbirth Educator and a hypnobirthing consultant. She has dedicated her life to educate people, especially women about the importance and greatness of pregnancy and motherhood. She loves to share tips and pointers to ease the process of pregnancy and help women with a happy and healthy pregnancy. You can find her on FacebookTwitter and YouTube.


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Jaishri is a working mom and the founder of mommyswall. She is also a certified Yoga instructor and believes in Natural living. This Blog is a contribution of lovely moms and dads around the world.
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